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There Is a Land

Close your eyes and let your imagination roam, To a place that you may one day call home. A land where you only think it comes in a dream, But actually it’s the most beautiful place you ever seen. There’s a land that is far away, A land I want to go and live someday. A place I long to be, Jesus said he was going away to prepare it for me. A land where I’ll never grow old, A place where I can rest my weary soul. A land where all my tears will cease, A land filled with love, joy and peace. A land where I will receive my long white robe and crown of life, A land with no more hate and strife, A land flowing with milk and honey, A place where I don’t have to worry anymore about a house, car or money. A land where sickness and pain will no longer abide, A land where I can walk and talk with Jesus physically at my side. A land with no more drugs or homeless people sleeping on the street, No more hunger or people without shoes on their feet. In order to make it to this land, You have to hold to Gods unchanging hand. Read and do Gods holy word, Don’t go by what you see or what you have heard. If you go by what the bible say, Then you will see that beautiful land one day. Written by Vertie Adams July 3, 2010

Copyright © | Year Posted 2010

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