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The Secret

I'm telling you the truth I swear it, I'm knowing something you don't, And if you did know you'd shrink back in fear, Your skin would crawl, chills run down your spine, I know a flammable secret, one of which if I told you, Would light even the faintest fire in you, And cause a great smoking of the soul, I'd tell you right now, if you wanted me to, But I would tell it most carefully, to braid it and bend it so, I'd make it so it would hurt much less, so it wouldn't tear out your soul, You say you've got the smallest bones in your closet, if you've any there at all, Yet if you knew what I do, you'd back yourself into a wall, Into a tiny pocket of terror, hiding the truth from all, But I feel I just can't tell you, for it would leave you bare and empty, So I'll leave you with ignorance, For ignorance is in the shape of comfort!

Copyright © | Year Posted 2005

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Date: 8/5/2010 11:07:00 AM
they say ignorance is bliss like shots from guns that all miss.and with much knowing is much pain that keeps growing so keep the killer rhymes flowing
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