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The Campus Experience, Post-Covid Report Card

REPORT CARD - FAUCI U. I. Self-Reporting Section A. FEELINGS Engendered on a Daily Basis Offended often Triggered frequently Unsafe 24/7 B. TREATMENT at Hands of Faculty Inequitable constantly Discriminatory more often than not Unjust in every way C. PERCEPTIONS Noted Police Brutality - Hourly occurrences Systemic Racism - Baked into the system Islamophobia - All Caucasians II. Courses - Grades A. The Art of Zen off the Coast of Walden Pond A B. Polish Pride-fests in Japan during WW2 A C. Music: Playing the Washboard and Flugelhorn A- D. Lockdowns and Lock-ups (Drs. Fauci and Clinton) B+ E. Composition 101 - The Essay F F. Remedial Algebra D G. Ukranian 101 F H. Photographing Elephant Jokes in Outer Space A+ I. Pronounilization Among Seaweed C+ Class Rank - Top Ten Per Cent Please turn in their Report Cards to he after checking with Zhang about zi reaction to her instructions. Thank za

Copyright © | Year Posted 2022

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Date: 12/1/2022 1:05:00 PM
School Daze, Indeed
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Date: 11/30/2022 12:26:00 PM
This presentation is very clever! Nicely done!
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Wolf Avatar
Gershon Wolf
Date: 11/30/2022 6:25:00 PM
So far this semester, grades are up. Of course, the GOP is ascribing the trend to grade INFLATION, and hanging it all on Joe Biden. The Donkeys have already blamed it all on Donald Trump's meeting with Kanye (Ye). lol. ~ School Daze

Book: Shattered Sighs