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The Busted Hitch Hiker

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I never thought I’d be the one To injure, re-injure, and re-injure my own thumb First time crushed between horse and steel fence Second time bitten by a cat in defense Third time sadly was self inflicted An accident of course… None the less thumb thinks vindictive This time though it’s nice to know That I am self dependant… I licked my wound and stitched myself Saving the cost of the Corporate Medical Boss A little self- med and off to bed… I wonder when poor thumb will fall off?!

Copyright © | Year Posted 2018

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Date: 7/5/2018 3:40:00 PM
oh you said Literally a small post. You mean, like a memorial made out of wood?
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Chris Hagy
Date: 7/6/2018 8:45:00 PM
Well, I do work on a farm so I deal with wooden posts ha ha :0 ...but I meant my tiny acrostic :) C.H.
Date: 7/5/2018 3:37:00 PM
Well, you’d certainly come in handy in an emergency. Happy healing! Nice one.
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Chris Hagy
Date: 7/6/2018 8:44:00 PM
Thanks for the visit worries, all healed :) have a great day C.H.
Date: 7/5/2018 3:33:00 PM
so where is this post you just mentioned? A blog?
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Chris Hagy
Date: 7/6/2018 8:37:00 PM
no...I meant H-O-T :) C.H.
Date: 7/3/2018 6:48:00 PM
You rock. I love it ;) Thanks for popping by! xomo!
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Chris Hagy
Date: 7/5/2018 1:53:00 PM
Thanks Maureen :) Thanks for stopping for my hitch hiker :0...Have a great day C.H.
Date: 6/16/2018 11:04:00 PM
Wow, you are brave to have stitched yourself up Chris; I probably would have high tailed it to the clinic...A wonderful self sustaining write Chris!~Che :)
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Chris Hagy
Date: 7/5/2018 1:54:00 PM
My reply must not have gone through on this one the first time...thanks for the visit...always love to hear from you :) C.H.
Date: 6/7/2018 8:43:00 PM
Hello Chris, nice to meet you. I do not think that the thumb will fall off.You medicate yourself! Wow! I do to for some of my boo-boobs.I like your poem.I look forward to reading more. Have a nice evening my friend.
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Chris Hagy
Date: 6/8/2018 9:16:00 PM
Thank you Darlene :)'re right...if it hasn't jumped off my body by now I'm stuck with it! :0 Thanks for the visit have a great day :) C.H.
Date: 6/4/2018 4:49:00 PM
Love your self stitched up poem, and your wonderful narration..
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Chris Hagy
Date: 6/5/2018 6:03:00 PM
Thanks for the visit and wonderful comment Harry :)...hope there is not one stitch in your day! :0 C.H.
Date: 6/3/2018 4:36:00 PM
Just like the good old with it and move on!! I'd never have thought of stitching...I just clean and bandage my deep cuts and leave them to heal on their own. I have several scars to show off:) Love this poem written with such self confidence. Regards // paul
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Chris Hagy
Date: 6/3/2018 9:07:00 PM
Thanks Paul :) I originally wrapped it thinking it would be ok, but when I bent down to pet my dog and blood ran down my hand a few hours later...I knew I had a bigger problem. Completely closed now and healing well, though inside of thumb is very numb, so may have cut a nerve...oh well...have great day Paul :) C.H.
Date: 6/2/2018 8:29:00 PM
this is darling, and I loved hearing it read in your voice, chris!! Awesome!
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Chris Hagy
Date: 6/3/2018 8:53:00 PM
Thanks so much Andrea... a couple of friends thought it funny when I recited it to them, so I decided to record this one :0...I've enjoyed hearing yours and other's voices as well :) C.H.
Date: 6/2/2018 1:14:00 PM
- Auuuuu ..... I would say in Norwegian - You are brave, Chris - It never falls off :))) - A great poem :) - hugs // Anne-Lise ... and one hugs once more :)
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Chris Hagy
Date: 6/3/2018 8:51:00 PM
Thanks for the extra hug Sunshine...poor thumb needs it! :0 ...if it hasn't jumped off my body by now, it never will!...but if it could, I'm sure it would bite me back! :0 Hugs back C.H.
Date: 6/1/2018 4:41:00 PM
Amazing..I would never dare..but then again, I don't have a horse and steel fence. Well written poem Chris.
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Chris Hagy
Date: 6/1/2018 10:43:00 PM
Thanks Vijay...I dare to ride, so why not dare other things...have great day :) C.H.
Date: 6/1/2018 11:57:00 AM
That hurts me just thinking about it. Pass the medication please. Loved it Chris...
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Chris Hagy
Date: 6/1/2018 10:38:00 PM
Thanks for the visit Charlie glad you enjoyed this :) ...what's your poison, I'll pass it! :0 C.H.
Date: 6/1/2018 9:11:00 AM
Wow, I would have passed out if I tried to stitch myself.
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Chris Hagy
Date: 6/1/2018 9:40:00 AM
Years before I became a horse woman I couldn't have done it... but now I have done so many things I never would have thought possible...what can I say, their Spirits empower me :)... self-med doesn't hurt either :0 C.H.
Date: 6/1/2018 12:46:00 AM
Now this made so smile!!!!!
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Chris Hagy
Date: 6/1/2018 9:36:00 AM
So glad I could bring a smile to your face today Arthur :) Have a good one C.H.
Date: 5/31/2018 10:50:00 PM
Ouch! Well-written and witty, Chris! Janice
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Chris Hagy
Date: 6/1/2018 9:33:00 AM
Thanks Janice...all closed and healing well now...and I think the wit was self-med induced :0 C.H.
Date: 5/31/2018 10:35:00 PM
Thumbs Up!...Chris...great rule by thumb story band in a 1000 yrs...thank you for stopping and light...^WW^
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Chris Hagy
Date: 6/1/2018 9:31:00 AM
Thanks WW!...after 3 times hit in the same spot I guess you just laugh and write about it :0 and laser lights! :) C.H.
Date: 5/31/2018 8:30:00 AM
You are a touch cookie lol... I hope it heals well..
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Chris Hagy
Date: 5/31/2018 11:30:00 AM
Yes i am...took stitches out few days later...healing well :) C.H.
Date: 5/31/2018 2:39:00 AM
oh gee Chris I winced at your misfortune and hope you heal well. You are so ingenious with the DIY approach and I see you are an excellent needlewoman too! I had to smile at the 'licking your wound' line :-) hugs Jan xx
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Chris Hagy
Date: 5/31/2018 11:33:00 AM
Thanks for visiting Jan... Glad you liked that line...a metaphor of course for sterilizing, but seemed perfect for an animal person like myself :)...yes, stitches out...healing well :) Have great day C.H.

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