The Black Phone
A black phone
I dislike our phone a sleek monster in a corner
I never answer it when it rings unless my wife is out
My mobile phone is in the pocket in my jacket in the hall
Where I can`t hear it when it rings, it is usually someone
Trying to sell me something, but I never go out driving
Without my mobile it comes in handy if the car breaks
Down and I have to call the garage with a tow- truck
Years ago I used to do haiku; it did my head in
The bloody phone always rang when I had the right
Word on the tip of my tongue often I took the phone
Off its hook but I could hear it humming which was
Worse when I was still young enough to think
A phone could bring good news something like
“We have decided to publish your book” it never
Happened instead, it rang to give me heart-wrenching
News, an early morning call: your mother has died.
Copyright © Jan Oskar Hansen | Year Posted 2016
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