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The Aquatic Graveyard

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THE AQUATIC GRAVEYARD Beneath the deadly rough waves cryptic path of destruction, There is an ethereal place of eerie silence, in the stilled frozen Chilling depth, it is the final resting place for wreckage's carnage, The aquatic graveyard of ships! Left ringing is the bell of the silent mercy, in the lingual deep, A clanging of humanity never to be heard again above these Climatic waves of utter vengeance's, in Poseidon’s rage this ocean God, has clenched his mighty fist against this mariner’s craft, Crumpling it into pieces of retribution final tolling! Splashes concurring thrashing yields, unto the screaming Banshees of death, as the devil’s due is paid in human flesh, Splitting into torn bits, is the yard arm of existence, braking apart In timbers of mutilation, as the bowels of hell's gates flush Wide open, sucking within those souls of the unrighteous Sinners, set out to sea to perilous waters by greed’s deceit! In the flickering of dualities of existence, the supernatural Lighthouse of twisted fate, reflects its ethereal beam of Contrasts against these waves of the uncertain! Ghost ships linger anchored, in the distant shallow harbors beyond, Awaiting for their newly undead crew members, to be hailed Broadside and welcomed aboard, these death ships riding high, Upon the tidal shifts of the perfect storms ever quaking wake! Creaking is the wipe of the captain’s wheel, as it turns unyielding In the encrusted seaweed entanglement, of the everlasting souls Of those tortured by a cursing’s plague, called the love of the open Sea! Unleashed are the aquatic krackens of the fathoms deep, Living giants made of sea foam and spray, kindred to the Ancients, they cling to the ripen breast of the Oceans nipple, Sucking the life essence from Mother Nature herself, until She expels these demonic creature by sheer force of will, Then banishing them beneath them beneath the primal Abyss below, locking them within the chains of immortality, Until needed by Poseidon once more! Lightening splits in half the eye of the tropical hurricane, As thunder ricochets off the mountainous rough wave, Domination's elemental thrust crashes against the shores Of civilizations outer crust, as the mortal ants run fleeing, beneath This aquatic elliptical epic storm, which blots out the very sun Itself! Oh lord God above, protect the souls of the lost innocent, Whom bath beneath this ocean of death, but it is too late For those inflicted, extracted by the currents of vengeance, For mercy’s sake alone, bow thy heads in silent prayers offering! Beneath the deadly rough waves cryptic path of destruction, There is an ethereal place of eerie silence, in the stilled frozen Chilling depth, it is the final resting place for wreckage's carnage, The aquatic graveyard of ships! BY: CHERYL ANNA DUNN

Copyright © | Year Posted 2015

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Date: 9/17/2015 11:24:00 PM
I like the plea, ... i like pirate movies, death, betrayl and ghost stories. :) can you imagine civilazation today, if pirates still roam the waters. Wait a minute, they do but in diffrent coverings. it was about domination. love the way you tell a tale. lost soal in the sea. enjoyed... linda
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Date: 9/17/2015 11:18:00 PM
the title is perfect. Cherl, first i want to thank you for being amazing. then, i want you to know I was out of town for a day. i drove back and fourth. a total of 8 hours. I have no energy in me. however, i could not let my night escape without thanking you and enjoying your new writes. it's been a long day. time to relax and read your new poems. :)
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Date: 9/17/2015 2:36:00 PM
Cheri what a cryptic write of the destructive vengeance of the ocean. When I read this I thought of the Perfect Storm. Sebastian Junger's true life account of the brave men who lost their lives at sea. So many have died from the Oceans forces. Incredible story told here. Very Nice. Highest rating.
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