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Strawberry Happy and Sad

Singing in the rain, I hummed the words to myself, The lyric formed just about right, Rhyming and timing like gel, The words fell like pieces of jigsaw, And each did express my inner thoughts well, I sang and sang , Till my inner brought the music along, The instruments formed out of thin air, The sounds were well formed chime and bell, Each note completed each word of the lyric, And completed it rather swell, Mind was in tune and swirling fast, Unmind of the weather, My limbs broke into moves, The moves that formed a structured dance with steps, I even forgot if anybody was around and watching, I was simply cast into a magic and spell, Suddenly from nowhere, I felt a rude screech, That disturbed my music and lyric as well, My body took a large impact, And I was in a pell mell, The pain numbed me and I forgot all, Only to wake up getting medical help, For days to come and, Remember my mind was not singing and dancing at all, Somebody did say it right, Happy and sad tidings travel in queue, And never be too delirious, So as to loose even “yourself”.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2005

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