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Should Americans Become Afraid To Write About the Red Chinese On Social Media Sites

Should Americans become afraid to write about the CCP on social media sites or by other means of writing? Currently the CCP has claimed: It has the ability to monitor any thing written about them on all American social media sites. This writer has done so on this site several times before already which means there is a very likely probability I could currently be under their raider surveillance system already. Just because I am a disabled senor female does not mean I will escape unless the rapture of the church happens first! Why do you honestly think the Red Chinese government is currently inviting our young people to visit them? Including: elementary, junior high or middle school, high school and college students to visit them? Don't be deceived and attribute ulterior brain washing and indoctrination applied methods to all of them! Also President Donald Trump brought American companies back home again from Red China but President Joe Biden is sending them right back into there once again! It has been proven, Joe Biden, Hunter Biden and nine members of his family remain on Winnie the Pooh's payroll. Why do you think they were allowed to purchase 400,000 acres of farm land next to USA's military bases? In case the USA acts against them, and they will send our produce back to the CCP from the USA! They used their Chinese spy balloons to spy on our military bases and our arsenals! Why is Biden is suing boarder states preventing them from completing our southern boarder's wall? Can do you think he is doing nothing about the invasion of our southern boarders, by allowing them to vote in our elections, also allowing the Mexican drug cartels free access plus sexual traffickers etc? Do you still believe he represents the USA or the CCP? Why did he withdraw support from Israel and want the failed Obama Iran nuclear deal to be reenacted? He is also Israel's enemy also. Not only should Biden be impeached but also tried for actions of high treason against the American people as a personified active agent in the highly profitable CCP! He has the gull to want to run for reelection in 2024. Just because of his mental and physical health problems, even his own Democratic party, doesn't want him to run, but want Robert Kennedy to run instead! Don't vote for the WOKE agenda in 2024! Vote responsibly and act accordingly, by voting for loyal Americans! Your Watch woman on the wall! Roxanne Lea Dubarry Roxy Lea 1954/ October Country July 03, 2023

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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