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Saying Goodbye

A connection abruptly severed Tears dripping in my heart Yes I know that love Transcends all realities That nothing is ever really lost That the infirm Regain their capacities That you are free of your damaged body I know that you are near But I miss your presence In this here and now And who can I tell that to? Who comforts the comforter? I am so vastly grateful To have known you To have had the privilege Of your confidences To have been given These months of shared Togetherness and to have Had the trust of your Fine mind and to have Helped you discover Spiritual pathways that Had eluded you before To have given you the roadmap That may now illuminate your way You gave me That part of yourself That I will hold dear always I’ll search for Dragonflies to bring Me messages from you Or whatever way You choose to let me know That your journey To the Other Side Brings you the tranquility You longed for and The acceptance that you craved And that you are Finally filled With the loving essence Of those who Support you in spirit I’ll soothe my Saddened heart by Giving myself time To grieve and Cry the tears That well up inside I’ll welcome those Who offer me their solace As I gently release You and beckon you to soar Beyond this earthly life. I

Copyright © | Year Posted 2009

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Date: 8/24/2009 4:17:00 AM
Holly,thank you for sharing your splendid poetry with us today. Wishing you the best always in your writing. Love, Carol
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Date: 8/23/2009 11:52:00 AM
Interesting writing about loss. Hope that it is just a topice and not a real loss. Keep writing. Sara
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