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Provoking Thought's

Before we can realize , should'nt we first recognize ? don't we have to first cognize , to realize , only to recognize , our sense of surrounding reality ? If we have a limited sense perception , would'nt we also lack immediate impression ? elusive our sense of depth , our sense of space , our sense of self ......internal and external....... We are , after all , unit's of action output only as good as the input If our system has become desensitized , a failure to coherently empathize doe's the inanimate remain immaterial ? If that be true , will the animate eventually , become material , to become immaterial ? doe's the human factor , fall victim to inhumane action ? or , do we as unit's of action , reinforce a positive reaction ? Difficult decision's require hard resolve , hard inquiries into heart answers Intricately intertwined , relativity will continue to undermine un-natural tendencies to redefine.... Nature will continue it's own progressive course........

Copyright © | Year Posted 2007

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