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Please See! (This Is a Blog!)

Gaaah! Have I mentioned how much I want to blog these days? :( I think I've been on the soup for quite awhile, and I would love to get to know everyone more. But it seems like the best way to do that is to have a blog, and I'm not a premium member, so sometimes it feels like a bit of a restriction. Of course, it's a great privilege and I look forward to the day when I might become a PM, since right now I can't (for personal reasons). So this is like my kinda-sorta blog. I don't know how many people will see it and comment on it, though I wish do you would! Any questions you have about me? Most of you might not know me, I unfortunately couldn't make many rounds commenting on your poems since I can only grab a few minutes of PoetrySoup in my busy schedule... So...would it be okay if I posted a bio on this and stuff? Would you be willing to read it? Everyone seems to friendly here, it really makes me want to chatter! Haha. -G

Copyright © | Year Posted 2010

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Date: 11/20/2017 1:10:00 PM
....and I'd be interested in all kinds of your info, I have a million questions for you and would love for you to start a blog or something more.
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Date: 11/20/2017 1:09:00 PM
Well I read it and I just want you to know I love and adore your poetry and I miss seeing you on here, it says it's been over five years since your last poem and that is saddening to me, I'd love to work and write with you and find your work among my favorite poetry.
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Date: 1/3/2016 6:55:00 PM
Haha, so cool
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Date: 10/2/2010 11:05:00 PM
Grace, will you ever come back and show more poems?? It's been over a month now!!
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Date: 7/29/2010 3:34:00 AM
Belated birthday congrats, Grace and thank you for your comment! It is always interesting to know about the persons whó are behind their poems! So just feel free and go ahead! Have a great day!...Gert:)
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Date: 7/25/2010 2:36:00 PM
Oh, how funny, when you said Gaaaah, the way Deb always does it, I was thinking maybe this was an entry to her contest, and you were redoing something she announced in this section of the Soup one time. Maybe you are from a similar area like where Deb lives? because I never heard anyone except her say Gaaah before!! Sure , make a bio for us. It wil scroll down when you add more poems. But you can just keep talking to us here. I have seen others doing it! I love your poetry. LUv, Andrea
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Date: 7/24/2010 10:48:00 AM
Of course I would, Grace ^_^ This is actually quite a neat idea! & it's your birthday? Well Happy Happy Birthday then ^_^ If I remember right, i recall reading somewhere that EunSong is your Korean name? So you are American-Korean? Sorry if I am assuming here-- Looking forward to knowing more about you-- & eep how I wish that we all had the time to be here haha it's soo addictive! Thank you btw for your comments in my translated poem --me I was too lazy to even write 1 poem before! nikko :)
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Date: 7/24/2010 8:29:00 AM
Yes we will read!! And by the way....HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! :) Hope it's a great day!! Love, Carrie
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Date: 7/24/2010 7:50:00 AM
I would love to know more about you, Grace, and I think this is a great idea, so blog away, I for one will read, even though I am limited as well ~~~
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Date: 7/24/2010 6:52:00 AM
feel free to BIO all you want! LOL there is a poem form for that...take care.
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Date: 7/24/2010 6:50:00 AM
Oh course dear HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! My the bird of happiness fly up your nose ;) Light & Love
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Book: Shattered Sighs