Our Educational System
"Welcome to us"; we promise to give you a hard time.
Here, everything that isn't studying is a crime.
What? Few hours of studying is too less.
We apologise, but we couldn't be bothered about your stress.
Hobbies are forbidden under us.
Children take time, but they gradually adjusts.
I'll tell you a fact.
People were aware, but they didn't react.
We do discriminate between girls and boys.
We create a barrier and seize their joys.
We make girls wear long kurtas and boys a simple shirt.
So that those nasty girls don't dare seduce or flirt.
We disguise it in the name of culture.
This only applies to girls so that they don't become vulgars.
Poore are ignored and so is their potential.
Don't forget this information is confidential.
We even gurantee to ruin your child's mental health.
Sometimes, the child is even pushed to death.
We don't even assure your child a high paying job.
And that's how we succeed in our work to rob.
So please enroll your child in our "perfect" educational system.
And then let them become our victims.
Copyright © Nandika Srivastava | Year Posted 2022
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