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Oh Those S Is

Just a few warning words, On what it feels like, While drivin' down the road, Waitin' for the strike, Don't know when it's comin', Or where it's comin' from, Keep your eyes open, No relaxin' or ho-hum, Not to worry one'll show, Drivin' fast weavin' 'round, Carless route they a goin', Maybe soon upside down, Drivin' like they own the road, Switchin' lanes wreckless too, No concern life or limb, Someone soon will turn blue, Expect S-Is anytime, While a crusin' in your car, They'll speed by in a flash, You won't have to go far, Curious now what's S-I, Just two words it does fit, Nothing more will I say, Stupid Idiot.....

Copyright © | Year Posted 2005

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