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As much as I love music, I’m not sorry to admit That opera’s the exception, For I like it not one bit. It’s not that I don’t understand The words (although that’s true), But rather it’s the voices All the critics ballyhoo. Sopranos, tenors, baritones - They all get on my nerves, Then you toss in some vibrato (Which no audience deserves), Add some overdone emoting, Make-up way beyond the top And the flashiest of costumes - I’d go on, but here I’ll stop. Opera fans the whole world over Are both cultured and refined, But, though classical I covet, Opera leaves me disinclined.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2022

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Date: 10/20/2022 1:54:00 AM
I love classical music but despise opera. Too slow.
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Date: 10/3/2022 10:55:00 AM
I grew up with opera in house, i.e., my eldest sister pouring her heart out on piano keys whilst my kid sister sang her heart out to the neighbourhood from the balcony, so I hear and feel quite differently although I enjoyed your poem! Aloha!
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Date: 10/2/2022 6:49:00 PM
I agreed with you up to age 50. Then something happened inside me. Classical operas, waltzes, violin concertos, symphonies, ballets -- I love all of it now. Oh, well. Time to listen to Itzchak Perlman play Purple Haze (in the Key of Jeez). :) gw
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Date: 10/2/2022 1:51:00 PM
I'm most definitely with you on this subject, Ilene. I keep trying to watch operas on Great Performances on PBS, but I usually don't get much past the first ten or fifteen minutes. I have enjoyed some of the movie renditions of some operas, however.
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Date: 10/2/2022 1:21:00 PM
(chuckling) I love classical music, Ilene, but opera...well, I've never been to one. Although I do like Les Miserables, which is essentially an opera.
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