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Never Do Today What You Can Put Off Until Tomorrow

I purchased a brand new desktop Quite sure I will use it alot Still sits in the corner Like Little Jack Horner Procrastinate? Certainly not!

Copyright © | Year Posted 2014

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Date: 2/20/2014 6:26:00 AM
I this thing ever breaks, I'm doomed. love, Kathy
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Date: 2/19/2014 5:23:00 PM
I was going to comment on this poem earlier, but...
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Ryerson Avatar
Tim Ryerson
Date: 2/20/2014 3:45:00 AM
Took me a few seconds to get this my friend...FUNNY!!
Date: 2/19/2014 10:50:00 AM
I couldn't wait to come here when I saw the very catching title and here, I enjoyed it sooo much. Thanks a lot for sharing and the huge smiles! Biggest hugs to u my very dear friend. Belated thanks as well for your latest comments on my poem. More blessings! love lots, Leonora
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Date: 2/19/2014 8:15:00 AM
haha, So true so true.
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Date: 2/18/2014 10:07:00 PM too....this go tablet gets all the workout....:-) :-) have a great week Tim and thank you for your very kind compliment today...brought a tear...
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Date: 2/18/2014 12:04:00 PM
Tim....this is hilarious. I only get to use my desktop when my sons are in school, computer hogs they are, lol.
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Date: 2/16/2014 2:05:00 PM
Ha ha funny one Tim...luv,Deb
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Date: 2/16/2014 9:03:00 AM
I have never used anything else than a desktop. I guess if I moved around a lot I would invest in a laptop, but I don't, so . . .
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Date: 2/16/2014 7:09:00 AM
Witty as always. Wishing you well.
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