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My Time With An Oscar Winner

Pangiota’s Personal Meeting with Oscar Winner, George Chakiris of “West Side Story”…. 1961 You were alarmingly affable and delightful. Accepting, and so very, very sweet, To have a special-one on one with you. Heavenly, and nearly swept me off my feet! I had asked the club host, if I could meet with you. He went to check and said, surely, after he finished his act. I pinched my forearm hard, to see if I were dreaming, or was this real and a fact. The audience, that night listened to your charming songs and storiries, with a divine glue. I had seen you so many times in the original movie-musical, West Side Story. Your ability to charm and audience and put them at ease, was something I wanted tolearn. My stomach got all a bubbly and began to churn. The very idea, that I was about to meet you face to face, made we gleam with glory. Escorted to your dressing room, I felt like royalty~ a precious princess! The door opened and there you were, far more handsome than on a movie screen. I asked for tips on how to relate to an audience, as he did it with such a magical sheen! George was not only affable, but a shining ship of finesse! I was not with George, very long, but he was welcoming and so majestically charming. I wondered what he thought of me, the brunette, in the lush,green velvet beret! Meetings like this, so enchanting, after all,do not happen everyday. But I welcome such events with open arms and find them…. anything but alarming! Notes. George Chakiris, as Bernardo,won an Oscar for best supporting actor with Natalie Wood as Maria, in the Leonard Bernstein musical, “WEST SIDE STORY, “ 1961.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2022

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Date: 11/17/2022 3:39:00 PM
That is one BIG WOW. Chakiris played his role to the hilt in WSS. Glad to hear that he wasn't a WUSS! Good for you, P! This write certainly had me riveted! :) gw
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Panagiota Romios
Date: 11/17/2022 3:55:00 PM
11/17/2022 Gershon, glad you were riveted. His eyes had me riveted.I don’t know how I got the gumption to ask for a private audience with him. But..I did!he’s a marvelous entertainer in person. He’s 89 years old now. What? To me he’s always Bernardo in WSS. I try to see WSS whenever it’s on Direct TV. The new version got a ratty review in the Roger Ebert Column. Spielberg should not have tried i…a new WSS ,it’s a limp noodle. Thank you for a positive review. Pangie
Date: 11/16/2022 10:13:00 AM
Such a lovely charming story Pangie, it must have been a great experience never to be forgotten. Blessings always,Gordon
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Panagiota Romios
Date: 11/16/2022 3:22:00 PM
Gordon, I love being with anyone, here or in the world, who is not self centered, or shaking their Oscar or Trophy in my face, as these do not impress me one bit. His performance was great! His self-effacing presence ? Even better! Surely, that was a grand moment to cherish. Only small people think they have it all. People great of heart, know how very small they are in the scheme of things. They are not “puffed up!” ….George was just like you or me. They honor others..that was my take away lesson. God be with you, Pangie
Date: 11/16/2022 6:43:00 AM
So wonderful how you can take this special time and create a poem. This piece was well written. Very good.
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Panagiota Romios
Date: 11/16/2022 3:28:00 PM
Hi Elena! I thought of writing a narrative instead of a poem, but…it came out as a poem. I just do my best. I do not have twenty years of experience as a still in the learning process. Marci~ Pangie
Date: 11/15/2022 8:53:00 PM
Ooh la la! Your poem leaves me breathless!
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Panagiota Romios
Date: 11/16/2022 6:08:00 AM
LOL, Kim! Wish that you had.been with me! Breathe deeply now! He was in two feet of me,,,the room was small and the door was closed! Pangie
Date: 11/15/2022 7:28:00 PM
That must be quite an experience, Pangie, and surely not one to be forgotten:)
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Panagiota Romios
Date: 11/16/2022 6:12:00 AM
Jo, hope you are getting ready for the holidays.. Oh my, this was an unforgettable mmentto be sure! Pangie
Date: 11/15/2022 3:18:00 PM
What an amazing experience meeting George, I've heard of many movie stars being very down to earth people. A precious memory that stays with you forever. Tom
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Panagiota Romios
Date: 11/15/2022 4:15:00 PM
You are right on the money, Tom. There are some very far left nut jobs in Hollywood these days..Biden lovers! They see to it that a Conservative actor/actress cannotwork. That’s nutz, but that’s how liberals treat anyone not WOKE or not into baby killing… Yes, Those moments are like sapphires! But you know, the biggest and best in any field or endeavor have enormous humility. Only small people demand you follow them and kiss their ring. Big people actually write letters of length..about how great you are, not about how great they are! Thanks for being my constant friend for so long And putting up with me. Your USA compatriot! Pangie
Date: 11/15/2022 2:33:00 PM
Mr Chakiris is just one of the many celebrities you met during your life, Pangie! I'm sure they were as charmed at meeting you as you were meeting them. Thanks for sharing this fascinating occasion - Bob
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Panagiota Romios
Date: 11/15/2022 2:52:00 PM
Hi, Bob…This was not just a run in with a celebrity. I was at Mr,Kelly’s Nightclub in Chicago.and had to request a private meeting. I wanted tips on doing stand up.and relating to an audience. It’s quite different having a private audience than meeting them in public and in private. His persona filled that room, it really was beautiful and he had the most beautiful Greek eyes! There are moments in my life, I wish I could relive, this is one. His dressing room was very small~ we were not farapart, either… Thank you…Bob!!

Book: Reflection on the Important Things