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My Muse Alarm

I set my morning muse alarm for 2am. But instead, it went off at three. "Wake up!" he said, "It's me." I reached for pen and paper. "Stop fumbling, and turn on the light," he said. "Or, you'll never be able to read what I'm putting in your head." "Why are you being so bossy?" I asked. "Sorry," he said. "But I'm in a hurry to get to the next poet's bed."

Copyright © | Year Posted 2014

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Date: 11/24/2014 9:37:00 PM
Darlene, this is beautifully done. simplicity is beauty, and I love it! Thanks for taking the time to read and comment on mine. I shall savor more of yours from time to time. Namaste!
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Darlene Gifford
Date: 11/25/2014 5:34:00 AM
I hope you will agree that the muse alarm can wake us up at any hour because we love poetry and will welcome any whispers of inspiration in our ear that he wants to share with us. Thanks for reading. Blessings, Darlene
Date: 11/15/2014 12:22:00 AM
this is REALLY REALLY cute. Gosh, I am going to fave this one!!!
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Darlene Gifford
Date: 11/15/2014 6:13:00 AM
You are! Oh, thanks, Andrea. I like thinking that some people will like my poems enough to reread them. And I, of course, have faved some of yours, along with the other poets here. Many times when rereading I get something new out of a poem that I didn't notice the first time. I'll bet you do that, too!!!
Date: 11/13/2014 2:51:00 PM
Dear Darlene, I know what you are talking about and any other poet I think knows too. Many nights I was waken up to write and write and when it got too much I didn't obey. Delightful and uplifting poem that sings to the heart! Excellent presentation!
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Darlene Gifford
Date: 11/13/2014 4:58:00 PM
Coming from you, Demetrios, I'll take that as a high compliment. My problem with the muse is that when I finally turn my light off, I can't get back to sleep because I keep thinking of other things I want to add to the poem. So the light goes on and off again, repeatedly. If my neighbors didn't know I was an old lady, they would think I was doing some entertaining!
Date: 11/13/2014 12:58:00 PM
I love this darling little poem.
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Darlene Gifford
Date: 11/13/2014 1:13:00 PM
Hi, Maurice,and I don't doubt that there are some nights where he has kept you up at night as well! Vet's day was a hard one to get through with the aching reminder of my son's loss Did I ever tell you that I am a Vet? I served two years as a WAC. Today, I needed to put some humor back into my life, and I hope into the lives such as yourself and others. So I wrote my little Muse poem.I think that is one way in how God is using me, through my other poems and through today's humorous one.
Date: 11/13/2014 12:06:00 PM
I have a hard time turning him off when I'm in bed. Then again some of my biggest inspections happen just before I fall asleep.
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Darlene Gifford
Date: 11/13/2014 12:43:00 PM
Yes, Brenda, I know that feeling! But aren't we glad he graces us with his visits, no matter how frustrating it can become. Because just when you think you have it all written down and you turn off the light, you think of something else to add and the light goes back on again. Thanks for liking my poem. And lol right back at ya! Darlene
Meier-Hans Avatar
Brenda Meier-Hans
Date: 11/13/2014 12:08:00 PM
Forgot to tell you I liked this LOL
Date: 11/13/2014 9:46:00 AM
lol hes been visiting me too Darlene - was 3.30 am this morning:-( having issues sleeping at the moment thank heavens for poetry soup its helping me through some tough times ! Hugs jan xx
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Allison Avatar
Jan Allison
Date: 11/13/2014 10:06:00 AM
Thanks Darlene - least hubby gets a rest from my snoring lol:-) Hugs jan xx
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Darlene Gifford
Date: 11/13/2014 10:05:00 AM
Well, Jan, that's where he must have went after visiting me! He was in a hurry to get to you. I thought we could all use a bit of humor this morning so I wrote this poem. So sorry for your sleep issues and the tough times you are having. May I pray for you that God will bless and heal your issues and give you comfort and a goodnight's sleep. In His name I pray. Blessings, Darlene

Book: Reflection on the Important Things