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My Deepest Concerns

Having discussed it with many elementary educators Critical Race Theory is NOT being taught in our schools C.R.T. is buzzword used by right-wing radical agitators Who are preaching Christian nationalism as its goal. No elementary school child could understand the C.R.T. Its tenets are debated at the highest levels of psychology [Those tossing around the term cannot explain it to me!] And I’ve training in graduate level theology and sociology. We need to be careful the terminology we toss around, For we are seeing incredible distortions in our foundations, Many of our principled institutions are running aground Because of crazy conspiracy theories and wild speculations. We have political leaders who are spouting outrageous lies Who are actually attempting to overthrow our government, Forgetting our forefathers who paid the supreme sacrifice And, not dealing with pressing problems, like our environment. Essentially, we must prepare the next generation well For we are leaving them with incredibly difficult problems-- They need truth, they need proper tools, if they are to dwell On this planet—not impractical and meaningless theorems. So, instead of a lot of malarkey about Critical Race Theory And undermining the principles upon which we were founded Instead of playing on commonfolks’ emotions, getting all teary, We need to make sure the next generation is well-grounded.
Written July 18, 2022

Copyright © | Year Posted 2022

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Date: 7/22/2022 8:23:00 PM
Thank you, Milton. It's an area that needs urgent attention. The message is very clear. This needs to be made public.
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Hankins Avatar
L Milton Hankins
Date: 7/23/2022 9:31:00 AM
I think so, Thompson, because so many people are being taken in by this malarkey!
Date: 7/19/2022 7:14:00 AM
Many cannot understand common sense. Great argued poem.
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L Milton Hankins
Date: 7/19/2022 9:01:00 AM
Thank you, Victor. I have great concern that a group of political "nuts" are either consciously or unconsciously destroying our country and undermining the foundations of freedom.
Date: 7/19/2022 3:34:00 AM
Thank you for straightening out the people who will probably not listen. It is an admirable effort! Great job Hank!
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L Milton Hankins
Date: 7/19/2022 9:13:00 AM
Thank you, and you are absolutely correct. I've never managed to change anyone's way of thinking, especially those who are radical right wing "nuts."
Date: 7/19/2022 1:40:00 AM
Sounds like a good plan Milton with a large helping of common sense thrown in. Tom
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L Milton Hankins
Date: 7/19/2022 9:14:00 AM
Thanks, Tom. I feel like I need to do my part, and the only way I could think to do it was write a poem. See Caren's comment which is so true.

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