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Love Cycle - Broken

Resulting from the purest love, sparkling bundle of joy A perfect gift from up above this healthy baby boy Opened my eyes felt safe and warm right from the very start Loved family became the norm, foundations of my heart As I grew the joy we shared became my main desire Trials and tribulations bared was something to admire Proud man I am today for that I thank you very much A soulmate now the aim to pass a love as great as such Greatest moment of my life, the ring slipped on my finger “I now pronounce you man and wife”, these words forever linger Continuous stipulation meant her dreams had been achieved A day of jubilation when we found she had conceived Longed for this day since I was little, the day of my child’s birth Our livelihood became brittle, a complicated girth 50/50 chance, saved her to try again in future but unforgiveness gained became my everlasting torture

Copyright © | Year Posted 2005

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