Knowing Nothing
My Math Teacher said:
I know how to teach you about 1
but can't guide you into comprehending None--0
A more sacredly co-arising binomial relationship,
less traveled bipartisan path
to know Zero rises positive toward full future
and suppresses negative
degenerating back
reversing toward empty non-numeric past.
In any not qualitative
and non-quantitative way
that would leave you
or anyone else
with a final co-binary qual-quantity
healthy quark space
and timely safe balanced answer
to why natural monotheistic strong 1's
and spiritual panentheistic flowing 0's
negatively back
and positively forward
embody transgenderal
erectile circling bilateral
bicameral space-temporal faith
in wealthy ego/eco
inside/outside spaceless
timeless mystery
Now, as Then, co-passions
not non-zero fully open
yet whole hole systemic zen zones
not yet zero-soul empty
of preverbal neuro-inherited
non-personal history
Readjusting to more cooperative
win/win climate settings
less patriarchal-capitalist
zero sum win/lose cognitive
leftbrain verbal dominant
monotheistic narcissistic.
Holistic faith
in thriving polycultural resonance
is more than monocultural colonizing
predative tribal resilience
is more than mere surviving trauma
environmentally win/lose complex
and chaotic polynomial stressors
Enlightening polypathic Left
and empowering polyphonic Right
anthro-divine theological integrity
whole plundering Green Gaian
Queen Sacred Shabbot
polytheistic holonic spirit mystery,
In/OutDigenous wisdom
regenerative repurposing
spiraling Tao iconic lines
and ironic non-zero wombs
birthing non-violent
safe health-is-wealth
Gospel holy healthy matriarchal
on EarthMother's best sacred
synergetic circling recycling days
and kinda ecofeminist repurposing
not quite so anti-patriarchal mean reactionary
merely trying to win/lose survive
to regather again
Earth's less-is-more cooperative
One LeftBrain Anthropocene
overwhelmed by climate traumatic anxiety
empty Zero daze
Not capable of fully teaching you about 1
without knowing what you know
to rationally say
about sacred 0 Prime CoRelationship
deep tipping point balanced
bicameral listing nonviolently back
and co-passionately forth,
and right,
and down,
and past,
and empty,
fractally spatial
and bilaterally temporal,
and sacred Positive One
co-binary Not NonZero
Emptying nuanced dark
and filling bright
health and safety light
Dialectic energy
regenerative DNA structure completing
synergetic dipolar relationship
of one four-seasoned thought
without no fertile feelings
full of empty nonrecourse
to communion's sacred discourse
About 1 ego/eco-metric teacher
without apt
deep listening 0-zone
holistically sacred
win/lose trauma informed
wonder wandering
awesomely searching
win/win therapeutic
co-invested cooperative students.
Copyright © Gerald Dillenbeck | Year Posted 2022
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