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Justice Is Crying In the Street

Oh my soul what hails you? Oh my soul what awaits you? Oh my soul why are you in despair? Oh my soul I have not deserted you Oh my soul I have something to share Oh my soul I am still here. I leaned against the pillar of your soul And I can feel the muscles vibrating in my chest And something beside me is gasping for breath I hear a sudden cry resonating from the sky And something profound is biding me goodbye. It is not the cry that you often hear It is not the cry of the widow’s plight It is a cry that is ascending from high It is the cry that you hear when someone is dying inside It move from door to door and it lands on every shore Everyone is running for cover And mothers are weeping for their sons and daughters The light is illuminated through the window And the cry is getting louder. The voices of battered women engulf the room With little hope of someone to rescue them soon The cry gets louder and louder And room gets darker and darker He rips off her clothes and backs her up into the corner And screw the life out of the daughter. Blood streams down her trembling legs And she screams and begged for mercy But he raped her and tried desperately to strangle her She wrestles away from him And drenches him with a glass of gin Until she finally got away from him She ran in the street with her torn up blouse And cry out to God to purge her innocent soul. Justice is crying out in the street Justice is crying out for more meat Justice is marching in the street and I can feel the heat. Form the beginning of time you said that you are mine From the beginning of time you said that life is divine From the beginning of time you have controlled me And you tell the whole world that nobody can get me. You follow me and mess with everyone around And you tell me that I am bound. Justice is crying out in the street and I can feel the burning heat The music is playing and daylight is shaking. I woke up this morning and went through my regular routine Then walked outside in search of my dream The empty street stared at me with its dirty sins And the black and yellow lady bug taxis could not be seen But the informer street cleaner across the road start texting and looking at me as if I was some form of mystery. Everything was extremely quiet, and I was almost out of breath Poor old souls creeping solemnly through the door Poor old souls crying out for more as justice bangs on their door. I went walking along the street in search of the golden sun As I turned towards the East the street suddenly came alive Traffic began to swell and fake street cleaners appeared on the pavement, cleaning glass and throwing water on the pavement. Hustlers came from their hideouts setting up stalls and getting ready for the morning call. I found the rising sun and salute it with a hum It shines it radiant light all over me and tells me how much it was sorry for my misery. I gave it my peace and lament the circumstance that surround me and the sun whisper back to me and tells me not to worry because God is not in a hurry, I have already had my victory. It said that justice is coming soon, and I must get ready before noon Justice for my sons and daughter Justice for my younger brother Justice for my mother and father Justice for my children and grand children And justice for all the suffering Will be delivered at her coming Justice is crying out in the street People have nowhere to sleep They lay their beds in the middle of the street And prowl around with nothing to eat Justice is crying out through the prison door Justice is weeping on the shore. Dead bodies washed up on the beach with no tags on their feet Someone has tampered with the breaks causing the vehicle to shake and you must apprehend the assassinator before it is too late. Nobody knows why the fleet disappeared From the Bermuda triangle to the Malaysian pan angle. Justice is blazing underneath the earth And the souls are weeping and wailing underground Justice is crying out through the hospital doors Expensive hotel and budget floors Justice is crying out in the mental institutions Numerous murders administered through needles by sedative doctors. Justice is crying out in apartment buildings Old house, luxury house and big old mansion They are trapped in age old basements Make shift prison cells and dilapidated dens. My blood is boiling and my spirit is burning This generation must be purged for its atrocious sins It has been like this from the world begin Cain spilled his brother’s blood over a sacrifice One was a farmer and the other was a shepherd But God loves blood sacrifice so he chose the Shepard’s prize. That was not enough to settle the nations pride so the farmer slaughter the shepherd to offer a real human blood sacrifice He spilled Abele’s blood to purify the cursed land and in end he had a better sacrifice .No one could touch Cain after God placed a seal marked upon him to cover his sins. Justice is crying out in the classrooms and the wash rooms Many young people’s lives has been snatched away from them too soon Justice is delayed, and swept under the rug at noon Just be patient and keep your cool for justice will knock on your door soon. Justice is crying out in the trains and the broken lanes Justice is crying out at the global shame Justice is crying out in the ghettos, The community and the infirmary Justice is crying out in the oval office In congress and parliament. Justice is crying out in the sheriff’s office The police department, the white house The cabinet office and number ten Justice is parading up and down the street And grinning at me with its big teeth. I climbed up the giant steps this morning And looked at the long giant pillars around me They were not built by mighty men But with the hands of the little man I could hear justice crying out from the depth of their soul As they dragged the stones from the shores And raised them into this giant structure. Old dusty building littered with garbage With tall iron doors that have never been open The walls are sneezing and shouting at me And the columns are crying out for me Justice has finally heard my plea and has handed down the decree The enemy that has been bothering me for decades was murdered in cold blood right in front of me, and at last I got my victory Justice has rescued me. Justice is crying out in the streets The journey is complete.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2019

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