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It's Still Cold Outside

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The snow is slowly melting but instead of rain we are still getting snow which turns into muddy mush and freezes at night. It's pretty slippery out there and if you fall you fall into cold, muddy soup. Ooohoohoohoo! Where's the warm?!

It's cold outside, Oh it's cold outside. We're waitin' for the warm, Because it's cold outside. We're tired of snow and ice, And of oceans of white. We're tired of building snowmen, And of snowball fights. I want to skate on wheels, Instead of gliding on blades. I want to have a picnic, And drink lemonade. It's cold and damp and there's a wind, It's blowing up a storm. It's March the twenty-seventh, We're still waiting for the warm.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2021

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Date: 3/27/2021 9:20:00 AM
No snow in Malta but I did slip on ice once in London. You must live in the far North. I hope for your sake the snow will stop.
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Judy Ball
Date: 3/27/2021 4:45:00 PM
Thanks Bunches Victor. I live in Alberta, Canada. God Bless, JB
Date: 3/27/2021 8:20:00 AM
Hi Judy, Your title caused me to think of the song with a similar title. I would welcome the snow every once a while; the closest I get to snow is on Tv screen. Hoping you get warmer weather soon. I enjoyed the read. Have a great day:-) Alexis
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Judy Ball
Date: 3/27/2021 8:55:00 AM
Thanks bunches Alexis. Send me your address and I will gladly send you some of mine. ;) God Bless, JB
Date: 3/26/2021 10:31:00 AM
Not sure where you live, Judy, but spring seems to come and go in March. Hopefully, by Easter you might be able to use regular skates, Judy! Your message is similar to one Ilene wrote about today. Many parts of the country are having trouble putting winter to rest. Sending you wishes for warmer days! Hugs, Carolyn
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Judy Ball
Date: 3/26/2021 6:48:00 PM
Thanks bunches Carolyn. I'm in Alberta, Canada. God Bless, JB
Date: 3/26/2021 9:26:00 AM
Judy, it will me. I know that feeling as we move into hints of spring and still feel the chill of winter. I loved your poem, which expresses emotions with lovely images, like having a glass of lemonade. Keep up the good work. True spring is on the way!
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Judy Ball
Date: 3/26/2021 9:51:00 AM
Thanks bunches Milton. God Bless, JB
Date: 3/26/2021 9:04:00 AM
Good flow, rhythm and rhyme in this truth filled verse with a touch of humor. We still have some cold and some warm then a lot of rain plus some areas around have been hit with some bad storms and tornadoes yesterday, last night and this morning. So far we are okay. Thanks for dropping by. Sara
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Judy Ball
Date: 3/26/2021 9:47:00 AM
Thanks bunches Sara. God Bless, JB

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