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It Would Be a Bummer-Dying's Not Easy

It would be a bummer if they said you were gonna die, I dont know what I'd do, just sit there, run or cry. I'm sure my thoughts would be a jumble, my head all a whirl would spin. wondering just what now do I do, not knowing where to begin. How do you just quit living? Say good-bye to those you love? wondering where you'll find your rest, in hell or heaven above? Theres so much to think about, things you haven't done or said, but now you dont even know your name, your minds just filled with dread. Unfinished business presses, your hoping time dont run out, there so much to do, yet, your mind seems to shout... "this can't be happening, to me and my family" "this stuff happens to others, not normal folks like me" will I miss them when I'm gone? will my family miss me? will I just be another moment that fades with memory? "God I dont want to do this, I'm not ready yet to go" let me finish things I've started, here on earth below. Let me kiss and hold my husband a little longer, another day, let me watch all the little one as they go out to play Let me hold each of my babies, tell them I love them dear let me wipe away their tears, try and soothe their fears. let me see mom and dad and the siblings I will miss tell them Ive always loved them and kiss them one last kiss Little things seem so important, I took for granted until now days pass so quickly, I wish I could slow time somehow. Fear comes in waves, rushing over me so fast each breath I take today, wondering if its my last. It would be a bummer if they said you were gonna die I wonder just what you would do sit there, run or just cry.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2005

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Date: 4/4/2016 12:05:00 AM
Teresa B, you've expressed yourself well, I enjoyed your poem. Please keep writing and sharing your poetry XOX ~LINDA~
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Date: 8/19/2015 12:32:00 AM
Teresa, I like this very much SKAT
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Book: Shattered Sighs