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Invisible: Co-Written With C Devonshire

clad in rags, he wanders on Wall Street he is invisible to hustling stock brokers he is a man with no money, no property a hapless struggler of excessive loan burdens bitter winter winds blow across Broadway he is invisible to affluent theatre-goers wearing warm winter coats he is a man who watches them scurry past the cardboard box that is his bed like a rain-dog, huddling in the shadows of alleys and doorways he hears deafening explosions of New Year fireworks he is invisible to the revellers he is a man who cowers, recalling gunfire of a war he fought echoing through his mind in restless nights the incessant thumping of traumatic stress he is invisible...a victim of post-Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq who once bore a uniform and served his country with pride he is invisible suffering alone, paying the price through severe disabilities and permanent scars with sadness, he watches voters going to the polls he is invisible, a veteran with no voice in elections he is a man who cannot vote without an “address” a placard on a pavement might catch the eye unemployed, homeless, unseen but most of all forgotten he is a man who seems invisible but he is still a man ------------------------------------------------------------- This is co-written by Paul Callus & Carolyn Devonshire in remembrance of our war veterans. [Published @ Muse to Move (A.P.F. Publisher UK 2017]

Copyright © | Year Posted 2014

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Date: 9/29/2020 3:30:00 PM
This is incredibly sad and profound. Wounded and forgotten vets are a grave source of shame. Thank you for the reminder.
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Paul Callus
Date: 9/29/2020 11:33:00 PM
What a pleasant surprise finding you at my door this morning, Pam! Thank you for the visit and the lovely comments which accompany it. Have a lovely day! // paul
Date: 11/18/2019 9:47:00 PM
great words. I don't know military life or homelessness but I've experienced disrespect, despondency, lack of love in people, and just plain disgust. many of us have. feel free to see and/or comment mine on the soup. be well, Daniel schack
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Paul Callus
Date: 11/23/2019 3:41:00 PM
Pleased to make your acquaintance, Daniel. I noticed that you have been on Soup several years before me! Thank you for stopping by; your comments and the 'like' are appreciated. Regards // paul
Date: 12/9/2014 11:29:00 AM
I enjoyed the visible and invisible feelings,the told and and untold words ,present,past and future as living in each image you shared us.Best tegards.
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Paul Callus
Date: 12/9/2014 12:32:00 PM
Thank you Ovidiu; your insightful comments are much appreciated. // paul
Date: 11/20/2014 1:21:00 PM
I am left speechless. Brilliant. Fav
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Paul Callus
Date: 11/21/2014 3:37:00 PM
Ohhh....and thank you for the FAV...!!!
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Paul Callus
Date: 11/21/2014 3:36:00 PM
Thank you for the 'brilliant' comment, Maurice. I love will Carolyn! // paul
Date: 11/19/2014 5:19:00 AM
He is "invisible"I suffer a horror. Is it human existence? I am here but nobody can see me nobody loves me nobody cares for me. I am a forgotten man. Hey my heart aches. Carolyn is a poet par excellence and you are so great Paul.A wonderful combination. Both are 'in sync' really so .Love XXXX RAJAT PS: Adding it to my fav
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Paul Callus
Date: 11/19/2014 11:45:00 AM
You are very kind Rajat....both Carolyn and I love your great comments...and the fav!! Thank you! // paul
Date: 11/18/2014 2:09:00 PM
Dear Paul, We have written many poems together now and this is among my favorites. You take my thoughts and turn them into poetry. You are an angel, dear friend, and I appreciate all of the comments from our readers. We do seem to be "in sync" when we write together. I can't begin to tell you how much joy you've brought into my life. Have a wonderful week, my friend! Love, Carolyn
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Paul Callus
Date: 11/18/2014 5:03:00 PM
Dear Carolyn, I have read some very lovely comments on this post, but I must admit that this one tops them all:) You have a caring heart and you instinctively think of others and their needs. (It is in giving that we receive.)I feel honored to know that our meeting on soup means something special to you; same feelings are sincerely reciprocated. Thank you for letting me take a ride on your train of life:) Love and hugs // paul
Date: 11/18/2014 2:46:00 AM
Excellent write. Great collaboration between you and Carol. Enjoyed reading it.
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Paul Callus
Date: 11/18/2014 11:08:00 AM
Thank you Ravi; Carolyn has been the primal source of this collaboration. Regards...paul
Date: 11/17/2014 5:06:00 PM
I can see both Carolyn & you in this write, it's a fine blending! Light & Love
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Paul Callus
Date: 11/17/2014 5:25:00 PM
I agree with you is a fine blending and I am sure nobody will be able to tell who wrote what!! Take care. // paul
Date: 11/17/2014 4:22:00 PM
I come into contact with men like this quite often. It is sad that those who have sacrificed so much are left with such little. This is a fitting dedication to their humanity. You both have done well with this piece.
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Paul Callus
Date: 11/17/2014 4:39:00 PM
Well commented Richard. People are urged to look at the face of is said that seeing is believing...and reacting, too...I hope! Thank you for the 'like'. // paul
Date: 11/17/2014 2:55:00 PM
Superlatively written Paul and Carol... The emotions within are powerful. Enjoyed... Verlena
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Paul Callus
Date: 11/17/2014 3:00:00 PM
Your enjoyment is our pleasure, Verlena:) So glad you enjoyed our offering. Thank you! // paul
Date: 11/17/2014 12:42:00 PM
Paul amazing I agree with Dorian, this is a 7 collaboration between you and Carol. By reading this wonderous work I can feel the sorry of this poor fellow, that the two of you have written about. The depth of cold abandonment he so feels, comes well across your verse and page here. Bravo, many of the homeless are ignored passed by love the invisible man angle. Great job to both of you guys, take care cheri
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Paul Callus
Date: 11/17/2014 2:59:00 PM
Thank you Cherl for a lovely visit and the insightful comments. The high rating is also much appreciated. Carolyn will like your comments, too. Take care. // paul
Date: 11/17/2014 2:03:00 AM
Amazing collaboration between you and Carol. Dynamic write. A 7 for you both! :)Love and hugs! xxx D.
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Paul Callus
Date: 11/17/2014 9:37:00 AM
Many thanks Dorian; so pleased that you found our co-write to your liking; your 'dynamic' comments are appreciated:) /x/ paul
Date: 11/16/2014 4:32:00 PM
A great two have a great chemistry... Tim
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Paul Callus
Date: 11/17/2014 9:36:00 AM
Wow thank you Tim! Carolyn will be pleased to hear that, too! // paul
Date: 11/16/2014 4:03:00 PM
I read this beauty on Caroline's but its great to reread it.No one should ever be homeless Paul More and more our hereos. Its not charity to give shelter to homeless,No!Its a task We should fulfill cause its every human's right never to loose his dignity. We are obliged to make sure noone suffers from such issues Heartwrenching!!!Charma
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Paul Callus
Date: 11/17/2014 9:35:00 AM
Thank you for stopping by to reread this poem, Charm, and to help pass on the message. Your comments are very supportive. // paul
Date: 11/16/2014 2:27:00 PM
This should never be happening to these amazing heroes but sadly you hear of it all too often. Love the repeated phrases makes the poem so powerful - awesome write Carolyn and Paul:-) Its a 7 from me:-) Hugs jan
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Paul Callus
Date: 11/17/2014 9:31:00 AM
The physical suffering is bad enough, but for many there are also the traumatic effects which linger on. Therapy and counseling help, but the scars will remain. Thank you for the insightful comments. hugs // paul

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