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Inside My Computer

My computer-- disassembled is a maze of cables, drives chips and ports--an array of connections, silver solderings, twisting wires. But when the satiny case is latched in place coils and cables disappear. The smallest particle of matter is not an atom, but a byte-- a particle of magic that combines and multiplies unseen inside the blinking box. Creation occurs inside my computer-- friends, family rest behind the pressing of selected keys. Words and faces form; smiles and frowns become feelings. Attraction becomes addiction. Inside my computer merchants buy and sell-- musicians sing, artists train pictures into pixels, poets recollect emotion in tranquillity. Inside my computer dreams are imagined into reality-- inventions, hopes, ideas are born and nurtured into happenings. Strangers share a table, touch hands across the world. Inside my computer the pulse of human hearts waxes and wanes as people fall in and out of love.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2014

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Date: 1/5/2014 4:46:00 PM
This is terrific , very well done. I love this concept.
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Book: Shattered Sighs