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In My Eyes

He claims he is no different nor better than any other. What he doesn’t understand in my eyes I see no other. I see him being warm and tender with a touch that melts my heart. If it be holding my hand, caressing my cheek, or an embrace that means so much. I see inside him a heart possessing goodness. Always cheerfully giving of himself. Finding ways to pass on laughter and joy never asking for anything in return. I see him full of forgiveness and understanding, in times our friendship and love are tested with a problem that comes between us. He’s ready to talk it out before ever leaving my sight. I see him bestowing sincerity. Teaching me trust when I am apprehensive. He’s not deceitful or hypocritical when others hide from the truth. I see him in all his compassion picking me up when I fall. Giving strength, support, and encouragment not to give up. I see him standing tall and strong prepared to defend and protect. Ready to conquer whomever dares to do me any kind of harm. I see him pledge unconditional love thats true and faithful. Loving, respecting, Ne'er wishing me to change. I see him high on a pedestal where all his qualities shine bright. I can’t help but cherish them holding them dear to my heart. He claims he is no different nor better than any other. What he doesn’t understand, in my eyes I see no other.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2005

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