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I'M Thankful God's Love Found Me

I’m Thankful That God’s Love Found Me! I think about the evil that surrounds me… I’m thankful that God’s love found me! His love changed the way I was living! As I experienced HIS power of forgiving! His love came at a time when it mattered! My life had been bruised up and battered! When all of my friends left and forsook me! Jesus came with his loving arms and took me! He carried me in the strength of his loving arms. And was there to protect me from any harm! He whispered words of love into my ear. And said I’d be safe. Because he was here! As I heard his words of love, my life was quickened! His words of hope and peace, I quickly listened! He brought a love that I never had before! He gave me all I needed and so much more! Glory! Hallelujah! My soul has been redeemed! Christ is my Lord! My savior! My everything! I lift my hands in thanksgiving and praise! I shall bless his holy name, all of my days! Because of Christ’ love… My life is completed! Through the power of his love… Satan is defeated! He’s conquered anything that may come before me! He’s here right now! And shall always be with me! Jim Pemberton 11/20/14

Copyright © | Year Posted 2014

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Date: 11/21/2014 11:37:00 PM
I am so very happy you've found the Lord when you needed him the most and found your peace with him. Very beautifully written testimony of your love and faith for Him, James. A 7 from me! :) Love and hugs! xxx D.
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