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Having a Ball - It Just Isn'T Cricket

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Based on a current news story about the Australian cricket team
3 players have been suspended for ball tampering and sent home. One of the players used a piece of yellow sticky tape  which alters the condition of the ball ... He hid the tape in his pants but he was caught on camera!

His team’s chances he hoped to enhance - So a cricket player took a chance He’s caught ball tampering Such disgrace it did bring He got snapped with his hands down his pants! 3/27/18

Copyright © | Year Posted 2018

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Date: 3/31/2018 2:59:00 PM
LOL, love the way your mind works
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Jan Allison
Date: 3/31/2018 4:00:00 PM
I worry about my mind Jack i never know what will spring into it and come out as a poem!:-) hugs Jan xx
Date: 3/28/2018 5:24:00 PM
LOL!! This is CrAzY funny... art intimidating life? ...Bad sportsmen as such make great politicians? Great write from a great poetess James
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Jan Allison
Date: 3/28/2018 5:29:00 PM
Thanks James - gee I hope they never got into politics - they are cheats and i doubt they will ever be sportsmen again let alone be politicians!:-) hugs jan xx
Date: 3/28/2018 11:25:00 AM
Lol! It serves him/ them right. What's the point of winning when someone has to "cheat" ? As always good limerick:-) Alexis
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Jan Allison
Date: 3/28/2018 11:33:00 AM
The latest news is 2 of them have been banned from playing cricket for 12 months, the other one for 9 months. I doubt anyone would want these cheaters on their teams when the bans are lifted. Hugs jan xx
Date: 3/27/2018 9:43:00 PM
Hilarious! ;D xomo!
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Jan Allison
Date: 3/28/2018 4:13:00 AM
Thanks Mo glad I made you smile:-) hugs Jan xx
Date: 3/27/2018 9:33:00 PM
Jan, you make me want to know the rest of the story, so to speak. Made me laugh!
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Jan Allison
Date: 3/28/2018 4:09:00 AM
If you click on the link you will be able to see the story but basically he had a piece of sticky tape to use on the cricket ball to alter the texture of the ball. he was caught on camera and tried to put the yellow tape in his pants. The captain, vice captain and another player have all been suspended and sent home. hugs jan xx
Date: 3/27/2018 8:20:00 PM
HA, what those guys won't do!!!! God one, Jan
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Jan Allison
Date: 3/28/2018 4:06:00 AM
So sad folks have to cheat Andrea:-( hugs Jan xx
Date: 3/27/2018 6:35:00 PM
Makes you think about times they weren't caught, maybe? Pun not intended. hugs Mick
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Jan Allison
Date: 3/27/2018 6:40:00 PM
Yes you are right Mike, all those match fixing allegations in the past may well have been proved to be true - it just isn't cricket!:-( hugs Jan xx
Date: 3/27/2018 5:02:00 PM
a clever take on a disgraceful display of cheating, jan. as always, your humour adds so much to the subject...
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Jan Allison
Date: 3/27/2018 5:20:00 PM
Thanks Ilene I wrote an easter based limerick too and posted it earlier, but when i read this news story i was inspired to write . I agree cheating is despicable and they got caught, I hope their removal from the squad sends out a powerful message:-) hugs Jan xx
Date: 3/27/2018 4:24:00 PM
Great limerick Jan, but isn't it disgraceful that professional sports men and women have to cheat, Supposed to be setting an example to the younger generation. You should email it to the Australian cricket board lol. Rant over.
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Jan Allison
Date: 3/27/2018 4:31:00 PM
Oh I don't think I'd dare send it Tom, I may get black balled lol:-) I agree its disgusting any sportsman or woman feel compelled to win so badly that they have to cheat, and the anti doping rules still doesn't deter some of them:-( hugs jan xx

Book: Shattered Sighs