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haiku warming days and nights tree full of cherry blossoms cicadas first stir

Copyright © | Year Posted 2019

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Date: 9/21/2019 6:19:00 PM
Warren, I miss the cicadas. But my aim is improving. A very lush Haiku. -Richard
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Warren Doll
Date: 4/6/2020 12:50:00 PM
Thanks for your visit, Raven. ~ Warren
Date: 8/2/2019 6:27:00 AM
Super great haiku!:) Simply brilliant!
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Warren Doll
Date: 8/5/2019 10:34:00 AM
J.W., thanks for your wonderful comments. Best Wishes, Warren.
Date: 8/1/2019 6:22:00 AM
Hello, Warren. As always, your haiku is exquisite. So much said in so few words. Best wishes. Deb
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Warren Doll
Date: 8/5/2019 10:37:00 AM
Deb, thanks for your flattering comments and visit, All the best~ Warren
Date: 7/31/2019 1:58:00 PM
So touchingly... beautiful... Panagiota
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Warren Doll
Date: 8/5/2019 10:40:00 AM
Hi Panagiota, I am glad that you liked it. Thanks for visiting~ Warren
Date: 7/3/2019 1:28:00 PM
Nice Summertime poem!
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Warren Doll
Date: 7/6/2019 5:38:00 PM
Hi Kim, I'm glad that you liked it. Thanks so much for your visit and comment. Allthe best~ Warren
Date: 6/25/2019 9:19:00 AM
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Warren Doll
Date: 6/26/2019 10:18:00 AM
Richard, I'm glad that you liked it. All the best~ Warren
Date: 6/2/2019 6:27:00 AM
Springtime imagery abounds Warren, Lovely !!
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Warren Doll
Date: 6/2/2019 2:55:00 PM
Hi Mike, So glad you liked it. Thanks for commenting.
Date: 5/24/2019 7:56:00 PM
I got such a clear and comforting image. Great Haiku Warren
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Warren Doll
Date: 5/28/2019 9:56:00 AM
Thanks so much ,Allen. I'm glad that you liked it and for your comments. All the best~ Warren
Date: 5/21/2019 9:55:00 PM
Excellent haiku - written like a master! Bravo, Warren! Best wishes. Pandita
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Warren Doll
Date: 5/24/2019 7:53:00 PM
Thanks for your visit and comments, Pandita. All the best~ Warren
Date: 5/19/2019 10:10:00 AM
Wonderfully evocative and full of optimism about the new season.
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Warren Doll
Date: 5/24/2019 7:51:00 PM
Thanks so much ,Bernard,
Date: 5/9/2019 8:41:00 AM
- Beautiful picture, Warren :) - (we got some snow in May ... and ice cold wind ... I'm waiting for the summer :) - hugs // Anne-Lise :)
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Warren Doll
Date: 5/9/2019 11:38:00 AM
Anne-Lise it's always good to hear from you. Snow and ice cold wind in May? How can anyone dispute climate change. Glad you liked the haiku and I hope it brought some poem warmth to you. Summer will arrive shortly. Sending a bunch of big hugs to you~ Warren :)
Date: 5/8/2019 3:28:00 PM
Very nice! :)
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Warren Doll
Date: 5/9/2019 11:27:00 AM
Hi Heidi, glad that you liked it/

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