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Disability's Wisdom

Moderation in all metaphysical and physical declarations exerting autonomous preposterous implementations. ImModeration in self as also Other love. Moderation in all things, except continuously flowing integrity Reforming and propelling compassionate universal regard. Passionately love wisdom that diversely and re-contextually regards win/win positive co-arisings and win/lose negative correlations to bilaterally become felt knowing integral bicameral polycultural polypathic polyvagal polynomially pleasing praxis. Unconditionally practice ecological praxis Contextually and spatially temporally expanding consciousness into eco/theological contemplative enabling arts, spiritual nature-living indigenous nondualistic deductive/inductive exhaling/inhaling wisdom Peak sensory nonviolent performance of co-passionately experiential theology becoming our inside sacredly held Truth and radically democratic inclusive Trust and diversely unobtrusive multicultural Beauty of everyday unconditional neuro-sensory regard In which win/win anticipation co-empowers and co-enlightens other bicameral win/win MeWe co-empathic abilities living exotic bodhisattva healing lives Teaching us metaphysically and physically re-establishing re-framing re-seating re-walking dancing and re-singing trauma histories of our together felt therapeutic horizons of deep integral meaning. Peak metaphysical experiences of loving mystically become body fulfilling right-brain acts of health becoming fully alive Compassion is a right-brain artistic and left-brain analytic integral mind/body process nonviolent Engaging win/win trusted horizons of panentheistic Beauty and trusted Truths Reveal a synergetic cooperatively energetic multiculturally accessible praxis Responding to challenges with our joyful "Yes" to inter-related win/win is better and healthier and wealthier and wiser than settling for win/lose paralyzing life is better than lose/lose mortal despairing global climate challenges. Punishing economic political social injustice internally contradicts resilient health care like an unconditionally cooperatively regarded "No Way!" To lack of sacred enabling integrity which lose/lose traumatizes decontextualizes marginalizes imprisons destroys Compassion's unconditionally flowing reforming polytheistic love Is life's bilateral metaphysical potential sanctity, dignity, enabling wise integrity regardless of physical abilities and left-brain dominant verbal articulation enabling communionation capacities To write about moderation in all metaphysical and physical declarations and implementations of RightWing LeftBrain dominance.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2022

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Book: Shattered Sighs