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Dear Attorney Ambrose Brooksville Florida

Dear, Attorney Ambrose What Caroline has been forced to indure has at the very least been detrimental to her brain development? Her frontal lobes being at best seventy five percent if that developed. Having been since I've been gone, has caused her to be emotionally abused that has produced either heightened or prolonged activation of the stress system that will result in her later-life behavior. And the bogus attempt to mollify me, based on my own abused experiences, leaves me with that sour taste, the taste of disgust that one knows when being told to achieve an out come, that you already know. Psychological expert's are now more sure than ever as to how these early-life experiences change the brain, any reasonably intelligent person now knows that the brain responds by changing its structure, gene expression, and function. And to dismiss this reasonable argument should prohibit anyone who thinks else wise, from having or playing a role in my daughters still developing mind. Would you not agree? How do we help a traumatized child recover? There is no magical insight about an individual untrained in child abuse and their future behavior as was just recently tried in court by untrained D.C.F. worker's opining as to why Caroline was Baker acted. Or that Caroline could understand the ramifications of her actions, other than to find a way to extradite her self from that her group home surrounding's. Where self reporting as you suggested, would in the future find her. Right? Instead, heightened caregiving and therapy involving social behavior is now the key. Unfortunately all have for year's have known that Karen has never possessed the where with all to change her self destructive behavior. Attorney Ambrose, we are all social creatures, and our social interactions in early life design the brain to greatly influence the person that we will one day become. Please Respond! Sincerely, James McLain

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