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Collection Number 1

I've got a pile of **** mags I keep them in my shed When I look at them I get excited They're an ******** collection I like to keep things tidy When I have to handwrite So I've a lot of rubbers and tippex They're my correction collection Our house is full of mirrors So we can see ourselves For times like when we dry our hair or shave They're our reflection collection In our house is "the drawer" where random stuff gets kept Such as I.T. routers, hoselock pieces Thats a connection collection Stationer's like WH Smiths Retail a lot of cards Expressing joy, hope, best wishes and love Quite an affection collection Meanwhile at the newsagents They sell lots of sweeties Chocolate bars, fudge, trebor mints, and chews That's a confection collection Now political parties I'm sure all keep to hand Banners, leaflets, signs, t-shirts and letters That's their election collection Junkies also have some gear To aid them with their fix syringes, needles, stuff to raise a vein its their injection collection Soldiers in battle use this, Cyclists on bikes do too And those trying to avoid STDs All a protection collection Put these things all together And then think what you've got A bunch of items now all related So a collection collection (c) The Didds 2019

Copyright © | Year Posted 2019

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