Abusers You Need To Hear This
What you may not understand is when a abuser abuses someone. They destroy the trusting mind of the person that is being abused.
No matter what age for what ever illness you have . You have no right to abuse anyone young or old alike male or female alike.words do hurt just like physical abuse. It remains in a person's mind for years to follow.Not trusting others due to the fact of being abuse is very hard there is always some doubt.Successful relationships are hard to have.Watching Tv reading the paper may click this memory that is wished to be erased forever. There is no miracle medcine or no medical procedure that can take that memory away.So before you abuse take this in mind.
Keep your mouth and hands to yourself.Seek help that you so need.
Noone asks to be sexually or physically or mentally abused.
Copyright © Carmella Hohner | Year Posted 2005
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