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A Progressive Shadow

Poet's Notes

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Author's Notes:  This Tercet poem, "A Progressive Shadow" is a more comprehensive follow-on write to another similar poem I did last year on October 16, 2014, entitled: "A World on Fire." A Progressive Shadow afforded me the opportunity, in retrospect, to expand upon the original troubling themes I touched on in A World on Fire. This new write focuses in more depth on the principal, daunting problems facing all of us collectively in our world today. For those of you who may be interested in a write of this nature and magnitude, I cover at lot of ground. Of course, some things I cover and some things I say may or may not tickle your fancy. Nevertheless, this "Thinking-Person's Poem" is thought-provoking for sure and is intended by me to effect and to stimulate conversation. I truly believe that all of us as writers, artists, and poets have an obligation to act as a "Conscience of Mankind," when possible, especially in times when grave issues and problems face mankind and the greater world as a whole. I've said this before in other controversial topics I've undertaken in the past. Anyway, this poem speaks for itself, and from my view and vantage point it creates a mosaic, a macro snapshot, if you will, of the salient and most urgent historical and contemporary issues facing mankind and our world today. I'm sure I probably left some other issues out, but I did my best here to be as all-inclusive as possible. (Gary Bateman - October 29, 2015) (Unrhymed Tercet)

Categories: change, earth, history, international, introspection, nature, and war. 

A Progressive Shadow A series of real challenges and troubling world events In our twenty-first century give us a definite reason and An urgency to pause and reflect on mankind’s situation. Our world today—more than at any other time in the past, Is faced with an uncertainty and a palpable anxiety that is Pervading on the world stage for all of us to sense and see. These challenges and situational-events are so daunting and Form a “progressive shadow” engulfing the soul of mankind. They cry out now for collective action to find real solutions. Our technological advances are indeed impressive for sure, But our stewardship of our planet is lacking, a true tragedy, As the World Climate edges closer toward a vast cataclysm. Our political leaders choose to bury their heads in the sand. Now is the time we must to face down all of these problems, As Mother Nature herself cries out warnings to our deaf ears. The classical scourges: Tyranny, Poverty, Disease, and War Are still with us today as they have been from the very start. They accentuate mankind’s great shame for all of us to see! Atrocities, Famine, Refugees, and Terrorism add their lot To this growing list along with Nuclear Proliferation and Political Mendacity for Personal Gain—with no end in sight! Reasonable answers and solutions abound to these enigmata, And people are in strife and rightfully want something better; Yet the oft-noted solution is the “Head-in-the-Sand Syndrome.” Despite any true faith in God, mankind must be self-reliant, As a distant deity plays tough love with the bad decisions of His “Divine Creation” as we all stumble along without a clue. This creates fear, frustration, and anxiety that multiply readily, Making potential solutions and decisions even harder to do. There can never be easy answers under these circumstances! The tasks facing mankind are many and Sisyphean for sure; Yet we must have the courage to face them down as we seek Realistic accountability from our politicians and big business. Meanwhile God is watching and Mother Nature is waiting . . . For mankind to do the right thing and to step up to the plate; For the “Collective We” hold the keys to make these changes. Can we do it? Will we do it? Can we rectify our inhumanity? Can our nation-states serve the people and not themselves? Can we not all realize that we’re in this tragic mess together? Tin-eared dictators and fools will gladly tell us all differently. The temptation to take the easy way out is always there for us. But are we prepared to inherit this wind and reap its vengeance? Meanwhile we continue on our present tortuous path oblivious To the realities facing us squarely down every minute of the day. In a mythical sense—perhaps we wait for Jotunheim to save us? Eventually all the sand in “Earth’s Hourglass” will run out and Our gig will be up, and all of us will be forced to pay the Piper! Are we not better than this? Let us hope we can find the courage! Gary Bateman, Copyright © All Rights Reserved – October 29, 2015 (Unrhymed Tercet)

Copyright © | Year Posted 2015

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Date: 11/1/2015 8:38:00 AM
Impressive, Gary. Quite an impassioned appeal for us to realize our role in society. I like the idealism, the fervor and the thirst for what is good. Humanness need not mean settling for the inferior option. 7 and fav. hugs!
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Gary Bateman
Date: 11/1/2015 9:33:00 AM
Hello Kim!! Thanks for your observations here and your most gracious comments, and for the 7 and FAV too. This was a write I was planning to do for a while. I did one last year, "A World on Fire," that was my first approach to this multi-themed and multi-problem exposition. I agree, the spirit of Humanity on our Earth for the good of Mankind as a whole deserves and demands that we all push our collective leadership for the best options possible. Cheers and continued best wishes!! Gary
Date: 10/31/2015 3:19:00 PM
Hi G!A very powerful, beautiful poem,you've written here my dear friend Gary.Very sad in topic, but very beautifully written.Yes, it is so very sad what's going on all over the world every day,G. So many very sad and horrible situations, and terrible injustices done against mankind in general, too many bad things and events, and all very horrible and tragic, and all of it make my heart and soul so very sad.So many things seem to be getting just worse every day.We need to pray a lot for this world, for everyone in it,G.Prayers are very powerful and can help too.Thank you for caring, writing n' sharing this very excellent piece, G.Just awesome!Golden pen!A 7+! A fav!Sending love n' prayers to you and Ingrid.Take good care of each other now.All the best to you always,G! Keep the ink flowing!:) Wishing you a very lovely weekend! In His light!God bless you always!:)D
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Gary Bateman
Date: 11/1/2015 7:42:00 AM
Hello Dear One "D"!! Thanks for your wonderful and most timely note here. And for the 7 + FAV too. I had been planning to write this particular piece for quite a while. As I mentioned in my Author's Notes, this work was a further build out of my poem, "A World on Fire," that I did last year (and appears in my first book too). I agree certainly that prayers are very powerful and most needed, but the people collectively in our world need to stand up and be counted -- and must start really working to hold elected officials and big business, among others, accountable -- and to start really trying to do the right thing. Thanks again Dear "D" for your read here!! Cheers and Best from Ingrid and me, "G"
Date: 10/31/2015 11:01:00 AM
now that is what i call writing gary for sure poem of the week strangely pal i have touched on a similar topic myself feeling pain watching suffering through out the world powerless to help excellent pen thumbs up
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Gary Bateman
Date: 10/31/2015 1:19:00 PM
Hello Liam Mate!! I appreciate greatly your read and comments here!! (I will take a look too at your write!!) Yes, the problems I outlined in my Tercet write are destined to get worse -- especially if the politicians of the world continued to bury their heads in the sand!! Cheers Mate!! Gary
Date: 10/30/2015 10:49:00 AM
You certainly are great poet and writer my dear friend, Gary. Im so impressed after reading this outstanding masterpiece of yours. I will fave this if you don't mind. I'll come back to read more next time and hope I can have a copy of your book someday. I'm stopping by as well here to say belated Happy Birthday. Wishing you all the Best in Life. Thank you so much for this wonderful piece. More power and blessings! love lots and big hug, Leonora
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Gary Bateman
Date: 10/30/2015 2:16:00 PM
Hello Leonora!! Thanks for the belated B-Day greetings and your most gracious comments here, and certainly for the "FAV" of "A Progressive Shadow." (My Author's Notes above serve as a great reference point for this write, which I'm singularly proud of. I had this one planned to do for a while.) I believe too that there in the States had the paperback version of my book at a "reduced price." My equal best wishes to you in life!! I will drop by to check out your poetry as well. BTW, I'm presently working on my second book now which will be a combination of both poems and short stories. "A Progressive Shadow" will be included in my new book. A gigantic hug and XO back to you!! Best Wishes for the Weekend!! Gary
Date: 10/29/2015 10:03:00 AM
Reading your magnificent Magnum Opus mein guter freund, Gary, I Wholeheartedly agree with your statement that we poets must be the "Conscience of Mankind,". Myself, my friend Gary, have written poems on all the subjects you have mentioned here and I am ready to propose to you a collaboration to write a book, with this poem as the introduction and then include our poems concerning the issues you have touched. What do you think? That would be my second book and our first book! A seven!
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Gary Bateman
Date: 10/29/2015 10:14:00 AM
Hello Demetrios, Thanks so much here for your read and comments on "A Progressive Shadow." (I just sent you an e-mail with my mailing address and phone number in response to your earlier mail concerning the release of your new co-authored book. Congratulations!!) I will certainly consider your co-author book proposal here for the future. I think it's a grand idea, but we'll need to discuss this further of course!! (As you may or may not know, I'm presently working on my second book of both Poetry and Short Stories. (I gave you more detail on this in my e-mail.) Thanks for the "Seven" too!! Best Always, Gary

Book: Shattered Sighs