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A Poem Written While Stuck In An Elevator

i am writing this poem in an elevator while stuck the light represents the darkness that i feel i guess i deserved to be literally abandoned by you i was not the best for you and your personal expectations i wish that we could have been friends, but i understand you declining it's funny how reflections, thoughts, examinations, and introspection can come in the strangest of places it's strange how realization and 'oh!' moments can come at the oddest and most mind boggling times though i do not want to do it, i go on ahead and push the alarm it is times like these when i hate the true definition of immediacy i will eventually go out into the continually ever-moving future i begin to shake and become nauseous to the point of curing up in the corner of said elevator and throwing up until i die nevertheless, i know i must bravely face the world again i just never thought that it would be without you after all this time i will exit this cold, drafty, drabby elevator with my head held high, but in early untruth when the elevator doors slowly open, i hope and pray that you will be waiting for me with your loving arms open then again, i know that i will be lying to myself, so with hesitation i prepare

Copyright © | Year Posted 2022

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