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A Poem In Paradise

The fragrance of fruit blossoms fills the air. A book of poetry is on my lap. I feel the sun, yet have escaped its glare and feel so cozy I might take a nap! But oh, one glorious verse has caught my eye! It’s shaken all the drowsiness from me. Its utter beauty causes me to sigh. Such depth in those four lines of poetry! New thoughts are brimming, and I feel desire to capture them. They rush into my mind like wind that sparks my soul with a wildfire. I leave the orangery, for I must find my quill and paper. Reading poems is nice, but writing them - I am in paradise! For the 'COMPLETELY YOUR CHOICE (31) any form any theme 'PoetryContest'

Copyright © | Year Posted 2014

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Date: 10/27/2014 2:12:00 AM
Orangery is a word?? I'll have to remember that for orange is my favorite color :) For those that don't write poetry can't understand the joy that comes from it - do you ever look back on older poems and get that funny feeling where you don't even recall writing it? Almost like they are dreams, lived in the moment. Keep writing paradise, Andrea!
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Date: 10/23/2014 4:45:00 PM
Oh love this one and yes when an idea strikes you want that pen and paper fast. love phyl
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Date: 7/29/2014 12:17:00 PM
Andrea,, :) Congratulations, on your winning poem... Love Linda
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Date: 7/26/2014 9:38:00 AM
Andrea, great presentation of your creative process, Glenn
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Date: 7/24/2014 12:14:00 AM
Ahem..! I suppose this wasn't 4 lines in one of 'your poems' was it Andrea.? L O L)))' just keeping an eye on you..' I don't want you going over the top (wherever that is) 'that is.!' maybe a good poetry theme that.! have been so so busy..' but had to look you up,,! take care now..'
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Dietrich Avatar
Andrea Dietrich
Date: 7/24/2014 12:28:00 AM
hmmm, getting inspired by my own stuff; what a thing to say, you silly guy! Maybe I was reading Sara Teasdale. There is an inspiring poet!!
Maverick Avatar
Joe Maverick
Date: 7/24/2014 12:15:00 AM
Oh and it had a win..' congratulations..!
Date: 7/23/2014 12:35:00 PM
just dropping by with my congrats. Hugs Jan xx
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Date: 7/23/2014 9:27:00 AM
I had already read this poem, but can't find any comments!! Technically I like the way you manage your sonnet; it never seems to cross my mind to write one! Excellent poem and some reading poetry is great; others enjoy writing it; others love both. Congrats on your win, Andrea. // paul
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Date: 7/23/2014 8:31:00 AM
A great win my friend for an awesome write! Big congratulations for both!!!
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Date: 7/23/2014 8:28:00 AM
I enjoyed your winning poem, congratulations Andrea.
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Date: 7/23/2014 7:45:00 AM
Congratulations to you Andrea for your fine win. This is such a beautiful write. Warmest regards!
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Date: 7/23/2014 6:40:00 AM
You wrote a poem about me dear Andrea!.. Certainly my idea of paradise.. Congrats on a great win! Hugs.. Arlene
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Date: 7/23/2014 5:49:00 AM
And back again with congratulations my dear friend Andrea!Awesome win !
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Date: 7/22/2014 9:09:00 PM
Love the "moment of epiphany" feel Andrea...beautiful sonnet
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Date: 7/22/2014 5:28:00 PM
Ain't it the truth, Andrea. So well written, I love the sonnets, especially the one you write. We are the poem, my friend..... Robert.
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Date: 7/22/2014 9:19:00 AM
Fine description of how the Muse strikes one. Especially liked the last line! Peace & Love Matthew Anish
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Date: 7/22/2014 3:29:00 AM
Very wonderful write Andrea! True to picture ,, surely wud do well in contest my dear friend// Upma//
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Date: 7/21/2014 8:21:00 PM
wonderful, andrea! i especially love the ending...
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Date: 7/21/2014 7:45:00 PM
Wonderful Andrea...I find myself reading poetry when I should be sleeping all the time.
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Date: 7/21/2014 7:24:00 PM
what's an orangey? well Angie, I could almost cry to think that I spent more than a year off of work. and now I'm back at my old job, driving dump trucks. The thought just crossed my mind that God gave me that year off so I could write poetry. And that's a nice thought but what's suppose to happen to it? publishing? now that I have the money maybe I can make it so. Thank you for your concern and reading my work. This piece of yours was a delight to read. Reminds me of summer feelings. john
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Dietrich Avatar
Andrea Dietrich
Date: 7/22/2014 12:24:00 AM
thanks so much, john, and for letting me know about that silly typo I made on "orangery" it's a new word for me and I left out the R. it means a special kind of greenhouse where they grew orange trees, etc. it is the name of the painting that was shown with this contest about a poem in Paradise!
Loving Iii Avatar
John Loving Iii
Date: 7/21/2014 7:26:00 PM
P.S. your a PS friend that I'll always check to see what you've written.
Date: 7/21/2014 6:12:00 PM
This is very fine sonnet! "The fragrance of fruit blossoms fills the air. A book of poetry is on my lap. I feel the sun, yet have escaped its glare and feel so cozy I might take a nap!" Starts off with an exceptional stanza!!
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Date: 7/21/2014 6:03:00 PM
wonderful poem Andrea, I see you have entered...good luck
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Date: 7/21/2014 5:36:00 PM
Adorable poem! You have expressed and describe well the scenery and the ambiance. ^^
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Date: 7/21/2014 5:33:00 PM
stunning sonnet as ever Andrea. Good luck in the contest. Hugs Jan xx
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