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7th Generation Reorientation

What have we learned? What is our big 20/20 revision takeaway from this win/lose zero-sum failure? To transparently cooperate for our most inclusive win/win health and long-term safety, economic and political and social and physical and mental health resilience From my own observation, probably colored multihued and complexly patterned by Integral Permaculture Design, And Community Mediation for restorative peace resolutions in perennial win/lose retributive conflict situations, clashes between conservative LeftBrain dominant and liberal RightBrain interdependent cultures. 1. To optimize resilience for at least the next seven generations, the next 140 years, bringing us to the year 2160 Here, on our cooperatively co-invested home planet, we could choose to return to indigenous wisdom, to include health and safety of our trees, our neighbors, rivers, our soil our water supply, our green renewable energy resources, our fresh and clean river valleyed breezes, our plants, our domestic animals, our wild animal cousins our sacred EarthMothers. We do better when our healthy safe priorities remain broadly contextualized, less LeftBrain defensive boundaried, broadening our ecosystemic spatial identities and deepening our speciated individuation back through monotheistic/panentheistic history of this now troubling post-millennial StraightWhiteMale privileged LeftBrain corporately dominant relentlessly self-promoting Anthropocene Predicting unprecedented ecocide, genocide, rabid polarization, economic divestment, Earth Matricide and overwhelming streight white patriarchal political mistrust During which no healthy democracy could resiliently endure as long as our infrastructure, concrete steel beamed bricks and mortar, budgets and financial planning, Omit choosing cooperative win/win games and ecofeminist green co-investment strategies for health and safety of our now excluded trees, plants, waters, soil, planet EarthTribe everyday multiculturing sacredly resonant creolization liturgies of LeftBrain verbal co-intelligence loving RightBrain co-empathic feeling longing for co-governing co-invested co-empowerment.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2022

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Book: Reflection on the Important Things