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Famous Well Done Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Well Done poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous well done poems. These examples illustrate what a famous well done poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

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by Sherrick, Fannie Isabelle
...ugh round thee glows a golden spell
 That carries thee on high.
Perhaps when each brave life is o'er
 And duties are well done;
Our hearts shall meet as once of yore
 Beneath a brighter sun.
And there, where life and love are well,
 We never more shall part;
While will return the olden spell
 To bind us heart to heart.
A parting glance—a glimpse of dreamy eyes,
A fair young face on which a shadow lies;
And she is gone, the plaintive song is done.
Arline has faded...Read more of this...

by Alcott, Louisa May
Pause a moment at my window, 
Twitter softly your good-night; 
For the summer days are over, 
All your duties are well done, 
And the happy homes you builded 
Have grown empty, one by one. 
Swallow, swallow, neighbor swallow, 
Are you ready for your flight? 
Are all the feather cloaks completed? 
Are the little caps all right? 
Are the young wings strong and steady 
For the journey through the sky? 
Come again in early spring-time; 
And till then, good-by, good-by!...Read more of this...

by Tennyson, Alfred Lord
...d canst not put us down!' 
He half despairs; so Gareth seemed to strike 
Vainly, the damsel clamouring all the while, 
'Well done, knave-knight, well-stricken, O good knight-knave-- 
O knave, as noble as any of all the knights-- 
Shame me not, shame me not. I have prophesied-- 
Strike, thou art worthy of the Table Round-- 
His arms are old, he trusts the hardened skin-- 
Strike--strike--the wind will never change again.' 
And Gareth hearing ever stronglier smote, 
And...Read more of this...

by Crashaw, Richard
Their rosy fleece of fire bestow;
For well they now can spare their wings,
Since Heav'n itself lies here below.
Well done, said I, but are you sure
Your down so warm will pass for pure?

Well done, said I, but are you sure
Your down so warm will pass for pure?

No no, your King's not yet to seek
Where to repose his royal head;
See see, how soon his new-bloom'd cheek
'Twixt's mother's breasts is gone to bed.
Sweet choice, said we! no way but so,
Not ...Read more of this...

by Morris, William,
He did not hear her coming, as he lay
On Arthur's head, till some of her long hair
Brush'd on the new-cut stone: "Well done! to pray

"For Arthur, my dear Lord, the greatest king
That ever lived." "Guenevere! Guenevere!
Do you not know me, are you gone mad? fling
Your arms and hair about me, lest I fear

"You are not Guenevere, but some other thing."
"Pray you forgive me, fair lord Launcelot!
I am not mad, but I am sick; they cling,
God's curses, unto such as I ...Read more of this...

by Sherrick, Fannie Isabelle
...each assigns some noble, worthy part,
And they who seek will find; the battle's won
When thought is true, and duty is well done.
From world to world the deeds of man may fly,
Yet in each heart a woman's grace may lie.
Few men may comprehend her longing need—
She lives in thought, he lives in strife and deed.
His boasted deeds may live but for a day
Her purity and truth will live for aye.
The man who claims a woman's hand and heart,
Knows not what boon he craves, wha...Read more of this...

by Swinburne, Algernon Charles
Time serves before thee, as one that hath for wages
Praise or shame only, bitter words or sweet.

Thou sayest "Well done," and all a century kindles;
Again thou sayest "Depart from sight of me,"
And all the light of face of all men dwindles,
And the age is as the broken glass of thee.

The night is as a seal set on men's faces,
On faces fallen of men that take no light,
Nor give light in the deeps of the dark places,
Blind things, incorporate with the body of nig...Read more of this...

by Milton, John
...Before the seat supreme; from whence a voice, 
From midst a golden cloud, thus mild was heard. 
Servant of God. Well done; well hast thou fought 
The better fight, who single hast maintained 
Against revolted multitudes the cause 
Of truth, in word mightier than they in arms; 
And for the testimony of truth hast borne 
Universal reproach, far worse to bear 
Than violence; for this was all thy care 
To stand approved in sight of God, though worlds 
Judged thee perverse...Read more of this...

by Milton, John
Defeated of his seisure many days 
Given thee of grace; wherein thou mayest repent, 
And one bad act with many deeds well done 
Mayest cover: Well may then thy Lord, appeased, 
Redeem thee quite from Death's rapacious claim; 
But longer in this Paradise to dwell 
Permits not: to remove thee I am come, 
And send thee from the garden forth to till 
The ground whence thou wast taken, fitter soil. 
He added not; for Adam at the news 
Heart-struck with chilling gripe of sor...Read more of this...

by Browning, Robert
...e God!''

Then back again his curls he threw,
And cheerful turned to work anew.

Said Blaise, the listening monk, ``Well done;
``I doubt not thou art heard, my son:

``As well as if thy voice to-day
``Were praising God, the Pope's great way.

``This Easter Day, the Pope at Rome
``Praises God from Peter's dome.''

Said Theocrite, ``Would God that I
``Might praise him, that great way, and die!''

Night passed, day shone,
And Theocrite was gone.

With God a day e...Read more of this...

by McCrae, John
...attle, stricken sore she falls aside
Holding still her foemen, beaten to the knee:
As the `Vanguard' drifted past her, "Well done, `Captain'," Jervis cried,
Rang the cheers of men that conquered, ran the blood of men that died,
And the ship had won her immortality.

Lo! here her progeny of steel and steam,
A funnelled monster at her mooring swings:
Still, in our hearts, we see her pennant stream,
And "Well done, `Captain'," like a trumpet rings....Read more of this...

by Swinburne, Algernon Charles
...den seed in the world's way, 
That all men thereof nourished shall praise thee 
For grain and flower and fruit of works well done; 
Till thy shed seed, O shining sunflower, 
Bring forth such growth of the world's garden-bed 
As like the sun shall outlive age and death. 
And yet I would thine heart had heed of her 
Who loves thee alive; but not till she be dead. 
Come, Love, then, quickly, and take her utmost breath. 

Song, speak for me who am dumb as are the dead...Read more of this...

by Masefield, John
...ts my meaning clear, I guess, 
Now get to hell; I want to dress." 

I dressed. My backers one and all 
Said, "Well done you" or "Good old Saul." 
"Saul is a wonder and a fly 'un, 
What'll you have, Saul, at the Lion?" 
With merry oaths they helped me down 
The stony wood path to the town. 

The moonlight shone on Cabbage Walk, 
It made the limestone look like chalk. 
It was too late for any people, 
Twelve struck as we went by the steeple. 
A dog bar...Read more of this...

by Paterson, Andrew Barton
...l thick and slab. 

ALL: Double, double, toil and trouble, 
Heav'n help Australia in her trouble. 

HECATE: Oh, well done, I commend your pains, 
And everyone shall share i' the gains, 
And now about the cauldron sing, 
Enchanting all that you put in. 
Round about the cauldron go, 
In the People's rights we'll throw, 
Cool it with an Employer's blood, 
Then the charm stands firm and good, 
And thus with chaos in possession, 
Ring in the coming Fed'ral Session....Read more of this...

by Paterson, Andrew Barton Crazy Jane! 
And father got on, and away again 
The two of 'em went to the ranges grim.' 
Good boy, Jimmy! Oh, well done, Jim! 
They're sure to get them now, of course, 
That Tambourine is a spanking horse. 
And Crazy Jane is good as gold. 
And Jim, they say, rides pretty bold -- 
Not like your father, but very fair. 
Jim will have to follow the mare." 
"It never was yet in father's hide 
To best my Jim on the mountain side. 
Jim can rally, and Ji...Read more of this...

by Cavafy, Constantine P
...oul seeks other things, weeps for other things;
the praise of the public and the Sophists,
the hard-won and inestimable Well Done;
the Agora, the Theater, and the Laurels.
How can Artaxerxes give you these,
where will you find these in a satrapy;
and what life can you live without these....Read more of this...

by Piercy, Marge
...e work of the world is common as mud.
Botched, it smears the hands, crumbles to dust.
But the thing worth doing well done
has a shape that satisfies, clean and evident.
Greek amphoras for wine or oil, 
Hopi vases that held corn, are put in museums
but you know they were made to be used. 
The pitcher cries for water to carry
and a person for work that is real....Read more of this...

by Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth
...The pages of thy book I read,
And as I closed each one,
My heart, responding, ever said,
"Servant of God! well done!"

Well done! Thy words are great and bold;
At times they seem to me,
Like Luther's, in the days of old,
Half-battles for the free.

Go on, until this land revokes
The old and chartered Lie,
The feudal curse, whose whips and yokes
Insult humanity.

A voice is ever at thy side
Speaking in tones of might,
Like the prophetic voice, that cried
...Read more of this...

by Crashaw, Richard
 Their rosy fleece of fire bestow,
For well they now can spare their wings,
 Since Heaven itself lies here below.
Well done, said I; but are you sure
Your down, so warm, will pass for pure?

No, no, your King 's not yet to seek
 Where to repose His royal head;
See, see how soon His new-bloom'd cheek
 'Twixt mother's breasts is gone to bed!
Sweet choice, said we; no way but so,
Not to lie cold, you sleep in snow!

She sings Thy tears asleep, and dips
 Her kisses in Thy w...Read more of this...

by Plath, Sylvia
...Clownlike, happiest on your hands,
Feet to the stars, and moon-skulled,
Gilled like a fish. A common-sense
Thumbs-down on the dodo's mode.
Wrapped up in yourself like a spool,
Trawling your dark, as owls do.
Mute as a turnip from the Fourth
Of July to All Fools' Day,
O high-riser, my little loaf.

Vague as fog and looked for like mail.
...Read more of this...

Dont forget to view our wonderful member Well Done poems.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things