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Famous Wakefulness Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Wakefulness poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous wakefulness poems. These examples illustrate what a famous wakefulness poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

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by Rumi, Jalal ad-Din Muhammad
...ef in your soul, for I will recite
the secret of your destiny, by your soul.
Out of love of Sham-e Tabrizi,
through wakefulness or nightrising,
like a spinning mote I am distraught, by your soul. - Rumi From: “Mystical Poems of Rumi 2? A. J. Arberry The University of Chicago Press, 1991   ...Read more of this...

by Tennyson, Alfred Lord wife,
And kiss'd his wonder-stricken little ones;
But for the third, sickly one, who slept
After a night of feverous wakefulness,
When Annie would have raised him Enoch said
`Wake him not; let him sleep; how should this child
Remember this?' and kiss'ed him in his cot.
But Annie from her baby's forehead clipt
A tiny curl, and gave it: this he kept
Thro' all his future; but now hastily caught
His bundle, waved his hand, and went his way. 

She when the day, that Eno...Read more of this...

by Hughes, Ted
...messy blood? Death.
These minimum-efficiency eyes? Death.
This wicked little tongue? Death.
This occasional wakefulness? Death.

Given, stolen, or held pending trial?

Who owns the whole rainy, stony earth? Death.
Who owns all of space? Death.

Who is stronger than hope? Death.
Who is stronger than the will? Death.
Stronger than love? Death.
Stronger than life? Death.

But who is stronger than Death?
 Me, evidently.
Pass, ...Read more of this...

by McKay, Claude
...fore a mud-splashed window long I pause 
To gaze and gaze, while through my active brain 
Still thoughts are stirred to wakefulness; because 
Long, long ago in a dim unknown land, 
A massive forest-tree, ax-felled, adze-hewn, 
Was deftly done by cunning mortal hand 
Into a symbol of the tender moon. 
Why does it thrill more than the handsome boat 
That bore me o'er the wild Atlantic ways, 
And fill me with rare sense of things remote 
From this harsh land of fretful night...Read more of this...

by Stevens, Wallace
...he lunar fire, 
189 Who, in the hubbub of his pilgrimage 
190 Through sweating changes, never could forget 
191 That wakefulness or meditating sleep, 
192 In which the sulky strophes willingly 
193 Bore up, in time, the somnolent, deep songs. 
194 Leave room, therefore, in that unwritten book 
195 For the legendary moonlight that once burned 
196 In Crispin's mind above a continent. 
197 America was always north to him, 
198 A northern west or western north,...Read more of this...

by Delville, Jean
...the night, it rains

implacably, dismally, prophetically?

Oh! the secret sorrow of the Night weeps
Upon the pale wakefulness of my pensive mind.
Upon the slab of my brow, with funereal sobs,
it is raining lividness and obscurity,
upon the wakefulness of my pensive mind,
oh! the secret sorrow of the Night weeps?

implacably, dismally, prophetically?

It is raining, it is raining lethargy upon my flesh,
Rigidly, like chimerical haircloths,
which come to mortify...Read more of this...

by Gibran, Kahlil
...the likeness of man, is more than he who makes the sandals for our feet." 

But I say, not in sleep but in the over-wakefulness of noontide, that the wind speaks not more sweetly to the giant oaks than to the least of all the blades of grass; 

And he alone is great who turns the voice of the wind into a song made sweeter by his own loving. 

Work is love made visible. 

And if you cannot work with love but only with distaste, it is better that you should leave yo...Read more of this...

Dont forget to view our wonderful member Wakefulness poems.

Book: Shattered Sighs