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Famous Unsullied Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Unsullied poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous unsullied poems. These examples illustrate what a famous unsullied poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

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by Brackenridge, Hugh Henry
...poesy or song, 
Or sculptur'd stone, to eternize the names, 
Which writ elsewhere in the fair book of life, 
Shall live unsullied when each strain shall die: 
Shall undefac'd remain when sculptur'd stone, 
And monument, and bust, and storied urn 
Perpetuates its sage and king no more. 

The pow'r of torture and reproach was vain, 
But what not torture or reproach could do, 
Dark superstition did in part effect. 
That superstition, which saint John beheld, 
Rise in th...Read more of this...

by Keats, John pomp receive.
For 'twas the morn: Apollo's upward fire
Made every eastern cloud a silvery pyre
Of brightness so unsullied, that therein
A melancholy spirit well might win
Oblivion, and melt out his essence fine
Into the winds: rain-scented eglantine
Gave temperate sweets to that well-wooing sun;
The lark was lost in him; cold springs had run
To warm their chilliest bubbles in the grass;
Man's voice was on the mountains; and the mass
Of nature's lives and wonders puls'...Read more of this...

by Schiller, Friedrich von
There does the mystical word watch o'er the meaning divine;
There does the searcher conjure it, descending with bosom unsullied;
There does the nature long-lost give him back wisdom again.
If thou, happy one, never hast lost the angel that guards thee,
Forfeited never the kind warnings that instinct holds forth;
If in thy modest eye the truth is still purely depicted;
If in thine innocent breast clearly still echoes its call;
If in thy tranquil mind the struggles of dou...Read more of this...

by Hugo, Victor
 'Twas deathly as the grave, and not a voice 
 Responded, nor came any breath to sway 
 The snowy mantle, with unsullied white 
 Emboldening the spectral wanderer. 
 Sudden he marked how, like a gloomy star, 
 A spot grew broad upon his livid robe; 
 Slowly it widened, raying darkness forth; 
 And Canute proved it with his spectral hands 
 It was a drop of blood. 


...Read more of this...

by Robinson, Mary Darby
The chaste reward of constant passion prove,
Ne'er shall that timid form again be press'd
In the dear bondage of unsullied love: 
Stern Heaven forbids­the dark o'erwhelming deep
Mocks the poor pilot's skill, and braves his sighs;
O'er the high deck the frothy billows sweep,
And the fierce tempest drowns the sea boy's cries. 

The madd'ning ocean swells with furious roar,
See the devoted bark, the shatter'd mast,
The splitting hulk dash'd on the rocky shore,
Rolls '...Read more of this...

by von Goethe, Johann Wolfgang
Upon me ever

Her glances light,
My song they waken,

My words make bright,
An ever open

And blooming mind,
In sport, unsullied,

In earnest, kind.
Though roses and lilies

By Summer are brought,
Against my sweetheart

Prevails he nought.

1816....Read more of this...

by Service, Robert William
...common date,
Two titans of their age, aye of all Time,
Together should renounce this mortal state,
And rise like gods, unsullied and sublime?
Should mutually render up the ghost,
And hand n hand join Jove's celestial host?

What wondrous welcome from the scribes on high!
Homer and Virgil would be waiting there;
Plato and Aristotle standing nigh;
Petrarch and Dante greet the peerless pair:
And as in harmony they make their bow,
Horace might quip: "Great timing, you'll allow.<...Read more of this...

by von Goethe, Johann Wolfgang
...But gentle sweethearts love full well

The lily's charms to prize,
The heart that fills a bosom true,
That is, like me, unsullied too,

My merit values duly.


In truth, I hope myself unstain'd,

And free from grievous crime;
Yet I am here a prisoner chain'd,

And pass in grief my time,
To me thou art an image sure
Of many a maiden, mild and pure,

And yet I know a dearer.


That must be me, the pink, who scent

The warder's garden here;
Or wh...Read more of this...

by von Goethe, Johann Wolfgang
...Thus far 'tis right.

 That we by night

Our Father's praises sing;

 Yet when 'tis day,

 To Thee we may

A heart unsullied bring.

 'Tis true that now,

 And often, Thou

Fav'rest the foe in fight.
As from the smoke is freed the blaze,

So let our faith burn bright!
And if they crush our golden ways,

Who e'er can crush Thy light?


Comrades, quick! your aid afford!
All the brood of hell's abroad;
See how their enchanted forms

Through ...Read more of this...

by von Goethe, Johann Wolfgang
...the savage train aside!
Earth contains upon its face

Many a spot unsanctified;
Here we only prize the good.

Stars unsullied round us burn.

If ye, in repentant mood,

From your wanderings would return,--
If ye fail to find the bliss

That ye found with us of yore,--
Or when lawless mirth like this

Gives your hearts delight no more,--
Then return in pilgrim guise,

Gladly up the mountain go,
While your strains repentant rise,

And our brethren's advent show.

Le...Read more of this...

by Bridges, Robert Seymour
...he mastery of its urgent wings:
Or if she deign her wisdom, she doth show
She hath the intelligence of heavenly things,
Unsullied by man's mortal overthrow. 

Thus to be humbled: 'tis that ranging pride
No refuge hath; that in his castle strong
Brave reason sits beleaguer'd, who so long
Kept field, but now must starve where he doth hide;
That industry, who once the foe defied,
Lies slaughter'd in the trenches; that the throng
Of idle fancies pipe their foolish song,
Wh...Read more of this...

by Finch, Anne Kingsmill

Praise Him, ye Men whom youthful Vigour warms; 
Ye Children, hast'ning to your Prime; 
Praise Him, ye Virgins of unsullied Charms, 
With beauteous Lips becoming sacred Rhime: 
You Aged, give Him Praise for your encrease of Time. 

Praise Him, ye Monarchs in supreme Command, 
By Anthems, like the Hebrew Kings; 
Then with enlarged Zeal throughout the Land 
Reform the Numbers, and reclaim the Strings, 
Converting to His Praise, the most Harmonious Things. 

Ye Sen...Read more of this...

by Lindsay, Vachel 
So white and fixed and cool it stands — 
A thing from some strange fairy-town, 
A pious amaranthine flower, 
Unsullied by the winds, as pure 
As jade or marble, wrought this hour: — 
Rural in form, foursquare and plain, 
And yet our sister, the new moon, 
Makes it a praying wizard's dream. 
The trees that watch at dusty noon 
Breaking its sharpest lines, veil not 
The whiteness it reflects from God, 
Flashing like Spring on many an eye, 
Making clean flesh, tha...Read more of this...

by Hugo, Victor Alps 
 Their giant shadows fling 
 Into the very waiting-room 
 Of tyrant and of king! 
 O thou deep heaven, unsullied yet, 
 Into thy gulfs sublime— 
 Up azure tracts of flaming light— 
 Let my free pinion climb; 
 Till from my sight, in that clear light, 
 Earth and her crimes be gone— 
 The men who act the evil deeds— 
 The caitiffs who look on. 
 Far, far into that space immense, 
 Beyond the vast white veil, 
 Where distant stars come out and shine, ...Read more of this...

by von Goethe, Johann Wolfgang
On her lips was silent truth depicted,
On her cheeks had loveliness its dwelling,
And the pureness of a heart unsullied
In her bosom evermore was heaving.
All her limbs were gracefully reclining,
Set at rest by sweet and godlike balsam.
Gladly sat I, and the contemplation
Held the strong desire I felt to wake her
Firmer and firmer down, with mystic fetters.

"Oh, thou love," methought, "I see that slumber,
Slumber that betrayeth each false feature,
Canno...Read more of this...

by Schiller, Friedrich von
And with the down-rushing vale, vanished the gloomy one too.
Purer my life I receive again from thine altar unsullied,--
Purer receive the bright glow felt by my youth's hopeful days.
Ever the will is changing its aim and its rule, while forever,
In a still varying form, actions revolve round themselves.
But in enduring youth, in beauty ever renewing.
Kindly Nature, with grace thou dost revere the old law!
Ever the same, for the man in thy faithful han...Read more of this...

by Khayyam, Omar
most important unproclaimed revelations. Not to eat of
anything which eats of other things, and to keep oneself
unsullied by all that lives.
385...Read more of this...

by Robinson, Mary Darby;­whate'er my FATE 
In this precarious wild'ring state, 
Whether the FIENDS with rancorous ire 
Strike at my heart's unsullied fire: 
While busy ENVY'S recreant guile 
Calls from my cheek THE PITYING SMILE; 
Or jealous SLANDER mean and vain, 
Essays my mind's BEST BOAST to stain; 
Should all combine to check my lays, 
And tear me from thy fost'ring gaze, 
Ne'er will I quit thy burning eye, 
'Till my last, eager, gasping sigh, 
Shall, from its earthly mansion flown, 
Embrac...Read more of this...

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