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Famous That Sucks Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous That Sucks poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous that sucks poems. These examples illustrate what a famous that sucks poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

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...e feted heart and swells there
fed (for a foetal space) on all 
the praisiest worms but in the nest 
is a bloated thing that sucks (and chokes)
on hurt that has the knack of pecking
where there's malice - it grows two heads

winners by their nature soon become
winged and weighted - icarus begins
to prey upon their waking dreams 
prometheus gnawed by eagles 
the tight-shut box epimetheus
gave pandora about to burst
apart - yeats's centre cannot hold
being poets they know the r...Read more of this...
by Gregory, Rg

...blessing on the scene. 
Scarce less the cleft-born wildflower seems to enjoy 
Existence, than the winged plunderer 
That sucks its sweets. The mossy rocks themselves, 
And the old and ponderous trunks of prostrate trees 
That lead from knoll to knoll a causeway rude, 
Or bridge the sunken brook, and their dark roots, 
With all their roots upon them, twisting high, 
Breathe fixed tranquility. The rivulet 
Sends forth glad sounds, and tripping o'er its bed 
Of pebbl...Read more of this...
by Bryant, William Cullen
...erenity above,
     Sleep to whom, sleepless, here, despairing lies.

   Broken, forlorn, upon the Desert sand
     That sucks these tears, and utterly abased,
   Looking across the lonely, level land,
     With thoughts more desolate than any waste.

   Planets that shine on what I so adore,
     Now thrown, the hour is late, in careless rest,
   Protect that sleep, which I may watch no more,
     I, the cast out, dismissed and dispossessed.

   Far in the hills...Read more of this...
by Nicolson, Adela Florence Cory
...Professor of a College
I primed my shelves with books of knowledge;
And now I stand before them dumb,
Just like a child that sucks its thumb,
And stares forlorn and turns away,
With dolls or painted bricks to play.

They glour at me, my tomes of learning.
"You dolt!" they jibe; "you undiscerning
Moronic oaf, you make a fuss,
With highbrow swank selecting us;
Saying: "I'll read you all some day' -
And now you yawn and turn away.

"Unwanted wait we with our store
Of...Read more of this...
by Service, Robert William

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Book: Reflection on the Important Things