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Famous Subterfuge Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Subterfuge poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous subterfuge poems. These examples illustrate what a famous subterfuge poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

See also:

by Jackson, Helen Hunt
...of insects' aimless industry. 
Pathetic summer seeks by blazonry 
Of color to conceal her swift decrease. 
Weak subterfuge! Each mocking day doth fleece 
A blossom, and lay bare her poverty. 
Poor middle-aged summer! Vain this show! 
Whole fields of Golden-Rod cannot offset 
One meadow with a single violet; 
And well the singing thrush and lily know, 
Spite of all artifice which her regret 
Can deck in splendid guise, their time to go!...Read more of this...

by Thomas, R S
...We live in our own world,
A world that is too small
For you to stoop and enter
Even on hands and knees,
The adult subterfuge.
And though you probe and pry
With analytic eye,
And eavesdrop all our talk
With an amused look,
You cannot find the centre
Where we dance, where we play,
Where life is still asleep
Under the closed flower,
Under the smooth shell
Of eggs in the cupped nest
That mock the faded blue
Of your remoter heaven....Read more of this...

by Thomas, R S
...We live in our own world,
A world that is too small
For you to stoop and enter
Even on hands and knees,
The adult subterfuge.
And though you probe and pry
With analytic eye,
And eavesdrop all our talk
With an amused look,
You cannot find the centre
Where we dance, where we play,
Where life is still asleep
Under the closed flower,
Under the smooth shell
Of eggs in the cupped nest
That mock the faded blue
Of your remoter heaven....Read more of this...

by Robinson, Edwin Arlington
To caution him that he was growing old, 
But something that was not compassion soon 
Made plain the folly of all subterfuge. 
Isaac was old, but not so old as that.

So I proposed, without an overture, 
That we be seated in the shade a while, 
And Isaac made no murmur. Soon the talk 
Was turned on Archibald, and I began 
To feel some premonitions of a kind
That only childhood knows; for the old man 
Had looked at me and clutched me with his eye, 
And asked ...Read more of this...

by Juana Inés de la Cruz, Sor in my soul
and talk to you all day long.

    With this idea in mind,
I lived in utter delight,
pretending my subterfuge
found favor in your sight.

    In this strange, ingenious fashion,
I allowed the hope to be mine
that I still might see as human
what I really conceived as divine.

    Oh, how mad I became
in my blissful love of you,
for even though feigned, your favor
made all my madness seem true!

    How unwisely my ardent love,
which your glor...Read more of this...

by Dickinson, Emily
...Of all the Souls that stand create --
I have elected -- One --
When Sense from Spirit -- files away --
And Subterfuge -- is done --
When that which is -- and that which was --
Apart -- intrinsic -- stand --
And this brief Drama in the flesh --
Is shifted -- like a Sand --
When Figures show their royal Front --
And Mists -- are carved away,
Behold the Atom -- I preferred --
To all the lists of Clay!...Read more of this...

by Juana Inés de la Cruz, Sor in my soul
and talk to you all day long.

    With this idea in mind,
I lived in utter delight,
pretending my subterfuge
found favor in your sight.

    In this strange, ingenious fashion,
I allowed the hope to be mine
that I still might see as human
what I really conceived as divine.

    Oh, how mad I became
in my blissful love of you,
for even though feigned, your favor
made all my madness seem true!

    How unwisely my ardent love,
which your glor...Read more of this...

Dont forget to view our wonderful member Subterfuge poems.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things