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Famous Stript Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Stript poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous stript poems. These examples illustrate what a famous stript poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

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by Ibsen, Henrik
And now is fall'n the drought. 
The tree, that promised rich in bloom 
Mid festal sun and shower, 
Stands wind-stript in the louring gloom, 
A cross to mark young Norway's tomb, 
The first dark testing-hour. 

They were but Judas kisses, lies 
In fatal wreaths enwound, 
The cheers of Norway's sons, and cries 
Towards the beach of Sound. 
What passed that time we watched them meet, 
'Twixt Norse and Danish lord? 
Oh! nothing! only to repeat 
King Gustav's play...Read more of this...

by Crowley, Aleister
Shuddering, a god its bitter guest-
Have I not gilded my nails
And painted my lips with vermillion ?

Am I not wholly stript
Of the deeds and thoughts that obscure thee?
I wait for thee, my soul distraught
With aching for some nameless naught
In its most arcane crypt-
Am I not fit to endure thee?

Girded about the paps
With a golden girdle of glory,
Dost thou wait me, thy slave who am,
As a wolf lurks for a strayed white lamb?
The chain of the stars snaps,
And the deep of n...Read more of this...

by Clare, John
...g snow
To taste their grannys cake again

Hung wi the ivys veining bough
The ash trees round the cottage farm
Are often stript of branches now
The cotters christmass hearth to warm
He swings and twists his hazel band
And lops them off wi sharpend hook
And oft brings ivy in his hand
To decorate the chimney nook

Old winter whipes his ides bye
And warms his fingers till he smiles
Where cottage hearths are blazing high
And labour resteth from his toils
Wi merry mirth beguiling c...Read more of this...

by Berryman, John
...ands of persons on topics of grand
moment to Henry, ah to those less & none.
Wif a book of his in either hand
he is stript down to move on.

—Come away, Mr. Bones.

—Henry is tired of the winter,
& haircuts, & a squeamish comfy ruin-prone proud national
 mind, & Spring (in the city so called).
Henry likes Fall.
Hé would be prepared to líve in a world of Fáll
for ever, impenitent Henry.
But the snows and summers grieve & dream;

thése fierce...Read more of this...

by Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth
...rom her beautiful lips, and blessed the cup as she gave it.

Under the open sky, in the odorous air of the orchard,
Stript of its golden fruit, was spread the feast of betrothal.
There in the shade of the porch were the priest and the notary seated;
There good Benedict sat, and sturdy Basil the blacksmith.
Not far withdrawn from these, by the cider-press and the beehives,
Michael the fiddler was placed, with the gayest of hearts and of waistcoats.
Shadow and l...Read more of this...

by Tennyson, Alfred Lord left, and stunned the twain 
Or slew them, and dismounting like a man 
That skins the wild beast after slaying him, 
Stript from the three dead wolves of woman born 
The three gay suits of armour which they wore, 
And let the bodies lie, but bound the suits 
Of armour on their horses, each on each, 
And tied the bridle-reins of all the three 
Together, and said to her, 'Drive them on 
Before you;' and she drove them through the waste. 

He followed nearer; ruth began t...Read more of this...

by Marlowe, Christopher
...It lies not in our power to love or hate,
For will in us is over-rul'd by fate.
hen two are stript long ere the course begin,
We wish that one should lose, the other win;
And one especially do we affect
Of two gold ingots, like in each respect:
The reason no man knows; let it suffice,
What we behold is censur'd by our eyes.
Where both deliberate, the love is slight:
Who ever lov'd, that lov'd not at first sight....Read more of this...

by Marlowe, Christopher

167 It lies not in our power to love or hate,
168 For will in us is over-rul'd by fate.
169 When two are stript, long ere the course begin,
170 We wish that one should lose, the other win;
171 And one especially do we affect
172 Of two gold ingots, like in each respect:
173 The reason no man knows, let it suffice,
174 What we behold is censur'd by our eyes.
175 Where both deliberate, the love is slight:
176 Who ever lov'd, that lov'd not at first sight?...Read more of this...

by Whitman, Walt
...ings of heroes. 

Examine these limbs, red, black, or white—they are so cunning in tendon and nerve; 
They shall be stript, that you may see them. 

Exquisite senses, life-lit eyes, pluck, volition, 
Flakes of breast-muscle, pliant back-bone and neck, flesh not flabby, good-sized arms and
And wonders within there yet. 

Within there runs blood, 
The same old blood! 
The same red-running blood! 
There swells and jets a heart—there all passions, desires, reac...Read more of this...

by Rosenberg, Isaac
...t not the lice.
And soon the shirt was aflare
Over the candle he'd lit while we lay.

Then we all sprang up and stript
To hunt the verminous brood.
Soon like a demons' pantomine
The place was raging.
See the silhouettes agape,
See the glibbering shadows
Mixed with the battled arms on the wall.
See gargantuan hooked fingers
Pluck in supreme flesh
To smutch supreme littleness.
See the merry limbs in hot Highland fling
Because some wizard vermin
Charmed f...Read more of this...

by Clare, John
Neath umberellas shunning showers
These neath the barkmens crushing treads
Oft perish in their blooming beds
Thus stript of boughs and bark in white
Their trunks shine in the mellow light
Beneath the green surviving trees
That wave above them in the breeze
And waking whispers slowly bends
As if they mournd their fallen friends
Each morning now the weeders meet
To cut the thistle from the wheat
And ruin in the sunny hours
Full many wild weeds of their flowers
Corn poppys...Read more of this...

by Browning, Robert No less, 
Light, the least spark, shows air and emptiness. 

And thus it proved when--diving into space, 
Stript of all vapor, from each web of mist, 
Utterly film-free--entered on her race 
The naked Moon, full-orbed antagonist 
Of night and dark, night's dowry: peak to base, 
Upstarted mountains, and each valley, kissed 
To sudden life, lay silver-bright: in air 
Flew she revealed, Maid-Moon with limbs all bare. 

Still as she fled, each depth,--where refu...Read more of this...

by Hunt, James Henry Leigh,
At her's and Robin's expense.

Sad was the stately day for all
But the Vere Abbey friars,
When the coffin was stript of its hiding pall,
Amidst the hushing choirs.

Sad was the earth-dropping "dust to dust,"
And "our brother here departed;"
The lady shook at them, as shake we must,
And Robin he felt strange-hearted.

That self-same evening, nevertheless,
They returned to Locksley town,
The lady in a dumb distress,
And Robin looking down.

They went, and ...Read more of this...

by Whitman, Walt hips, and gently turn’d over upon me,
And parted the shirt from my bosom-bone, and plunged your tongue to my
 bare-stript heart, 
And reach’d till you felt my beard, and reach’d till you held my feet.

Swiftly arose and spread around me the peace and knowledge that pass all the
 argument of the earth; 
And I know that the hand of God is the promise of my own, 
And I know that the spirit of God is the brother of my own;
And that all the men ever born are also...Read more of this...

by Lowell, Amy
...e lichen of affection takes as long,
Or longer, ere it lovingly enfolds
A place which since without it were bereft,
All stript and bare, shorn of its chiefest grace.
For what to us were halls and corridors
However large and fitting, if we part
With this which is our birthright; if we lose
A sentiment profound, unsoundable,
Which Time's slow ripening alone can make,
And man's blind foolishness so quickly mar....Read more of this...

by Bradstreet, Anne
...9 And envy gnaws if any do surmount.
4.90 I hate for to be had in small account.
4.91 If Bias like, I'm stript unto my skin;
4.92 I glory in my wealth I have within.
4.93 Thus good, and bad, and what I am, you see,
4.94 Now in a word, what my diseases be:
4.95 The vexing Stone, in bladder and in reins,
4.96 Torments me with intolerable pains;
4.97 The windy cholic oft my bowels rend,
4.98 To break the darksome prison, where it's...Read more of this...

by Hardy, Thomas
I did not lead that way. 

I mused: “If Grouchy thus instructed be, 
The clash comes sheer hereon;
My farm is stript. While, as for pieces three, 
Money the French have none. 

“Grouchy unwarned, moreo’er, the English win, 
And mine is left to me— 
They buy, not borrow.”—Hence did I begin
To lead him treacherously. 

By Joidoigne, near to east, as we ondrew, 
Dawn pierced the humid air; 
And eastward faced I with him, though I knew 
Never marched Gro...Read more of this...

by Tennyson, Alfred Lord, I think, 
So mouldered in a sinecure as he: 
For while our cloisters echoed frosty feet, 
And our long walks were stript as bare as brooms, 
We did but talk you over, pledge you all 
In wassail; often, like as many girls-- 
Sick for the hollies and the yews of home-- 
As many little trifling Lilias--played 
Charades and riddles as at Christmas here, 
And ~what's my thought~ and ~when~ and ~where~ and ~how~, 
As here at Christmas.' 
She remembered that: 
A pleasant g...Read more of this...

by Abercrombie, Lascelles
...smartly, which they did 
Thoroughly with steel combs, until at last 
They curried the living flesh from his bones 
And stript his face of gristle, till he was 
Skull and half skeleton and yet alive. 
You're not for dealing in new gods? 

Thomas Not I. 
Was the man killed? 

Captain He lived a little while; 
But the flies killed him. 

Thomas Flies? I hope India 
Is not a fly-plagued land? I abhor flies. 

You will see strange ones, for our Indian lif...Read more of this...

by Hugo, Victor
...mi—(of the Soudan of burnt Egypt, 
 The Commander of Believers, a Bashaw 
 Whose very robes were from Asia's greatest stript, 
 More powerful than any lion with resistless paw) 
 A master weighed on by his immense splendor— 
 Once had a dream when he was at his evening feast, 
 When the broad table smoked like a perfumed censer, 
 And its grateful odors the appetite increased. 
 The banquet was outspread in a hall, high as vast, 
 With pillars painted, and with ceili...Read more of this...

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Book: Reflection on the Important Things