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Famous Started Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Started poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous started poems. These examples illustrate what a famous started poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

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by Shelley, Percy Bysshe
Like a dark flood suspended in its course, 
Rolled back its impulse on his vacant brain.

Roused by the shock, he started from his trance--
The cold white light of morning, the blue moon
Low in the west, the clear and garish hills,
The distinct valley and the vacant woods,
Spread round him where he stood. Whither have fled
The hues of heaven that canopied his bower
Of yesternight? The sounds that soothed his sleep,
The mystery and the majesty of Earth,
The joy, the ...Read more of this...

by Wilcox, Ella Wheeler
...and blocked the sea with ships.

The word withheld, when Indians asked for aid, 
Came when the red man started on his raid.
What Justice with a gesture might have done
Was left for noisy war with bellowing gun.
And who save Custer and his gallant men
Could calm the tempest into peace again? 
What other hero in the land could hope
With Sitting Bull, the fierce and lawless one to cope? 

What other warrior skilled enough to dare
Surprise th...Read more of this...

by Keats, John
...mber; so once more
He could not help but kiss her and adore.
At this the shadow wept, melting away.
The Latmian started up: "Bright goddess, stay!
Search my most hidden breast! By truth's own tongue,
I have no dædale heart: why is it wrung
To desperation? Is there nought for me,
Upon the bourne of bliss, but misery?"

 These words awoke the stranger of dark tresses:
Her dawning love-look rapt Endymion blesses
With 'haviour soft. Sleep yawned from underneath.
"...Read more of this...

by Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth
...he gleeds and the burning thatch, and, uplifting,
Whirled them aloft through the air, at once from a hundred house-tops
Started the sheeted smoke with flashes of flame intermingled.

These things beheld in dismay the crowd on the shore and on shipboard.
Speechless at first they stood, then cried aloud in their anguish,
"We shall behold no more our homes in the village of Grand-Pre!"
Loud on a sudden the cocks began to crow in the farm-yards,
Thinking the day had dawne...Read more of this...

by Keats, John
...nd awe of him, at once
Came like an inspiration; and he shouted,
"Titans, behold your God!" at which some groan'd;
Some started on their feet; some also shouted;
Some wept, some wail'd, all bow'd with reverence;
And Ops, uplifting her black folded veil,
Show'd her pale cheeks, and all her forehead wan,
Her eye-brows thin and jet, and hollow eyes.
There is a roaring in the bleak-grown pines
When Winter lifts his voice; there is a noise
Among immortals when a God gives sign...Read more of this...

by Pinsky, Robert
...listeners they had to cast their ballots
For the ANC--a group the old Jews feared
As "in with the Arabs." But they started weeping

As the old one-armed fighter told them their country
Needed them to vote for what was right, their vote
Could make a country their children could return to

From London and Chicago. The moved old people
Applauded wildly, and the speaker's friend
Whispered to the journalist, "It's the Belgian Army

Joke come to life." I wish I could t...Read more of this...

by Frost, Robert
...something else,” she laughed. “Oh, put it where
You can to-night, and go. It’s almost dark;
You must be getting started back to town.”
Another blackened face thrust in and looked
And smiled, and when she did not turn, spoke gently,
“What are you seeing out the window, lady?”

“Never was I beladied so before.
Would evidence of having been called lady
More than so many times make me a lady
In common law, I wonder.”

“But I ask,
What are you seeing out the wi...Read more of this...

by Byron, George (Lord)
...ould snatch, 
And follow with his step the stream that flow'd, 
As if even yet too much its surface show'd: 
At once he started, stoop'd, around him strewn 
The winter floods had scatter'd heaps of stone; 
Of these the heaviest thence he gather'd there, 
And slung them with a more than common care. 
Meantime the Serf had crept to where unseen 
Himself might safely mark what this might mean. 
He caught a glimpse, as of a floating breast, 
And something glitter'd starli...Read more of this...

by Frost, Robert
...seem to want my mountains wild;
The way the wiry gang-boss liked the logjam. 
After he'd picked the lock and got it started,
He dodged a log that lifted like an arm
Against the sky to break his back for him,
Then came in dancing, skipping with his life
Across the roar and chaos, and the words 
We saw him say along the zigzag journey
Were doubtless as the words we heard him say
On coming nearer: "Wasn't she an i-deal
Son-of-a-*****? You bet she was an i-deal."

For all...Read more of this...

by Milton, John sky. 
As I bent down to look, just opposite 
A shape within the watery gleam appeared, 
Bending to look on me: I started back, 
It started back; but pleased I soon returned, 
Pleased it returned as soon with answering looks 
Of sympathy and love: There I had fixed 
Mine eyes till now, and pined with vain desire, 
Had not a voice thus warned me; 'What thou seest, 
'What there thou seest, fair Creature, is thyself; 
'With thee it came and goes: but follow me, 
'And I wil...Read more of this...

by Ashbery, John
...he principle that makes works of art so unlike
What the artist intended. Often he finds
He has omitted the thing he started out to say
In the first place. Seduced by flowers,
Explicit pleasures, he blames himself (though
Secretly satisfied with the result), imagining
He had a say in the matter and exercised
An option of which he was hardly conscious,
Unaware that necessity circumvents such resolutions.
So as to create something new
For itself, that there is no oth...Read more of this...

by Frost, Robert
...inging long? I’ll get my wrapper.
I want to speak to her.”

“All she said was,
He hadn’t come and had he really started.”

“She knew he had, poor thing, two hours ago.”

“He had the shovel. He’ll have made a fight.”

“Why did I ever let him leave this house!”

“Don’t begin that. You did the best you could
To keep him—though perhaps you didn’t quite
Conceal a wish to see him show the *****
To disobey you. Much his wife’ll thank you.”

“Fred,...Read more of this...

by Byron, George (Lord)
And glances ev'n of more than ire 
Flash forth, then faintly disappear. 
Old Giaffir gazed upon his son 
And started; for within his eye 
He read how much his wrath had done; 
He saw rebellion there begun: 
"Come hither, boy — what, no reply? 
I mark thee — and I know thee too; 
But there be deeds thou dar'st not do: 
But if thy beard had manlier length, 
And if thy hand had skill and strength, 
I'd joy to see thee break a lance, 
Albeit against my own perchance.Read more of this...

by Masefield, John
...n out and fallen away, 
By drunken days and weary tramps 
From pub to pub by city lamps 
Till men despise the game they started 
Till health and beauty are departed, 
and in a slum the reeking hag 
Mumbles a crust with toothy jag, 
Or gets the river's help to end 
The life too wrecked for man to mend. 
We spat and smoked and took our swipe 
Till Silas up and tap his pipe, 
And begged us all to pay attention 
Because he'd several things to mention. 
We'd seen the fight...Read more of this...

by Chaucer, Geoffrey
...ny a bar
Of iron great, and square as any spar,
He cast his eyes upon Emelia,
And therewithal he blent* and cried, Ah! *started aside
As though he stungen were unto the heart.
And with that cry Arcite anon up start,
And saide, "Cousin mine, what aileth thee,
That art so pale and deadly for to see?
Why cried'st thou? who hath thee done offence?
For Godde's love, take all in patience
Our prison*, for it may none other be. *imprisonment
Fortune hath giv'n us this adversi...Read more of this...

by Scott, Sir Walter
...and humbled crest;
     But still the dingle's hollow throat
     Prolonged the swelling bugle-note.
     The owlets started from their dream,
     The eagles answered with their scream,
     Round and around the sounds were cast,
     Till echo seemed an answering blast;
     And on the Hunter tried his way,
     To join some comrades of the day,
     Yet often paused, so strange the road,
     So wondrous were the scenes it showed.

     The western wa...Read more of this...

by Chaucer, Geoffrey sell
Nor bread nor ale, till he came to the sell*, *threshold 
Upon the floor, and there in swoon he lay.
Up started Alison and Nicholay,
And cried out an "harow!"  in the street.
The neighbours alle, bothe small and great
In ranne, for to gauren* on this man, *stare
That yet in swoone lay, both pale and wan:
For with the fall he broken had his arm.
But stand he must unto his owen harm,
For when he spake, he was anon borne down
With Hendy Nicholas and A...Read more of this...

by Lowell, Amy
...ight live
To the faintest streak; then lit his light,
And sharp against the wall's pure white
The outline of the Shadow started
Into form. His burning-hearted
Words so long imprisoned swelled
To tumbling speech. Like one compelled,
He told the lady all his love,
And holding out the watch above
His head, he knelt, imploring some
Littlest sign.

The Shadow was dumb.

Weeks passed, Paul worked in fevered haste,
And everything he made he placed
Before his lady.Read more of this...

by Byron, George (Lord) would have placed them upon the same base 
With those who did not hold the saints in awe.' 
But here Saint Peter started from his place, 
And cried, 'You may the prisoner withdraw: 
Ere heaven shall ope her portals to this Guelph, 
While I am guard, may I be damn'd myself! 


'Sooner will I with Cerberus exchange 
My office (and his no sinecure) 
Than see this royal Bedlam bigot range 
The azure fields of heaven, of that be sure!' 
'Saint!' replied Satan, 'you do wel...Read more of this...

by Akhmatova, Anna

 * I * 

We thought we were beggars, we thought we had nothing at all
But then when we started to lose one thing after another,
Each day became
A memorial day --
And then we made songs
Of great divine generosity
And of our former riches.


I'll leave your quiet yard and your white house -
Let life be empty and with light complete.
I'll sing the glory to you in my verse
Like not one woman has sung glory yet.<...Read more of this...

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Book: Reflection on the Important Things