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Famous Spat Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Spat poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous spat poems. These examples illustrate what a famous spat poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

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by Thomas, Dylan
...ottled beer and crackers by the dessertspoons; and cats in
their fur-abouts watched the fires; and the high-heaped fire spat, all ready for the chestnuts and the mulling
pokers. Some few large men sat in the front parlors, without their collars, Uncles almost certainly, trying
their new cigars, holding them out judiciously at arms' length, returning them to their mouths, coughing, then
holding them out again as though waiting for the explosion; and some few small aunts, n...Read more of this...

by Seeger, Alan
...s bred his hate. 
To lend a spice to your disrespect 
You call him the "greaser". But reflect! 
The greaser has spat on you more than once; 
He has handed you multiple affronts; 
He has robbed you, banished you, burned and killed; 
He has gone untrounced for the blood he spilled; 
He has jeering used for his bootblack's rag 
The stars and stripes of the gringo's flag; 
And you, in the depths of your easy-chair -- 
What did you do, what did you care? 
Did you find the ...Read more of this...

by McGonagall, William Topaz 

Then he asked me to taste it, saying It was good without doubt,
Then I tasted it, but in disgust I instantly spat it out;
Saying, if I was to die within an hour on the briny flood,
I would neither eat the flesh nor drink the blood. 

Then in the afternoon again he turned to me,
Saying, I'm going to cut Jim's throat for more blood d'ye see;
Then I begged of him, for God's sake not to cut the throat of poor Jim,
But he cried, Ha! ha! to save my own life I conside...Read more of this...

by Swinburne, Algernon Charles
...ter than tears.

France, what of the night? - 
Night is the prostitute's noon, 
Kissed and drugged till she swoon, 
Spat upon, trod upon, whored. 
With bloodred rose-garlands dight, 
Round me reels in the dance 
Death, my saviour, my lord,
Crowned; there is no more France.

Italy, what of the night? - 
Ah, child, child, it is long! 
Moonbeam and starbeam and song 
Leave it dumb now and dark. 
Yet I perceive on the height 
Eastward, not now very far, 
A song to...Read more of this...

by Yevtushenko, Yevgeny
The Philistine 
 is both informer and judge. 
I am behind bars.
 Beset on every side. 
 spat on,
Squealing, dainty ladies in flounced Brussels lace
stick their parasols into my face.
I seem to be then
 a young boy in Byelostok. 
Blood runs, spilling over the floors. 
The barroom rabble-rousers 
give off a stench of vodka and onion. 
A boot kicks me aside, helpless. 
In vain I plead with these pogrom bullies.<...Read more of this...

by Abani, Chris the coast,
once for a gun, then cloth, then iron
manilas, her pride was masticated like husks
of chewing sticks, spat from morning-rank mouths.

Breaking loose, edge of handcuffs held high
like the blade of a vengeful axe, she runs
across the salt scratch of deck,
pain deeper than the blue inside a flame.


The sound, like the break of bone
could have been the Captain’s skull
or the musket shot dropping her
ove...Read more of this...

by Tennyson, Alfred Lord
...and one of those white slips
Handed her cup and piped, the pretty one,
'Drink, drink, Sir Fool,' and thereupon I drank,
Spat--pish--the cup was gold, the draught was mud."

And Tristram, "Was it muddier than thy gibes?
Is all the laughter gone dead out of thee?--
Not marking how the knighthood mock thee, fool--
'Fear God: honour the King--his one true knight--
Sole follower of the vows'--for here be they
Who knew thee swine enow before I came,
Smuttier than blasted grain...Read more of this...

by Lowell, Amy
...te through the top. "Eunice, your spirit's filled
This tree. White-hearts!" He shook, and cherries 
And spat out from the leaves like falling fire.

The wide, sun-winged June morning spread itself Over 
the quiet garden. And they packed
Full twenty baskets with the fruit. "My shelf Of 
cordials will be stored with what it lacked.
In future, none of us will drink strong ale, But cherry-brandy." "Vastly 
good, I vow,"
And Gervase gave the...Read more of this...

by Kipling, Rudyard
 Where sailor-men reside,
And there were men of all the ports
 From Mississip to Clyde,
And regally they spat and smoked,
 And fearsomely they lied.

They lied about the purple Sea
 That gave them scanty bread,
They lied about the Earth beneath,
 The Heavens overhead,
For they had looked too often on
 Black rum when that was red.

They told their tales of wreck and wrong,
 Of shame and lust and fraud,
They backed their toughest statements with
 The Brim...Read more of this...

by Kipling, Rudyard
...he bubbling camels beside the load
Sprawled for a furlong adown the road;
And the Persian pussy-cats, brought for sale,
Spat at the dogs from the camel-bale;
And the tribesmen bellowed to hasten the food;
And the camp-fires twinkled by Fort Jumrood;
And there fled on the wings of the gathering dusk
A savour of camels and carpets and musk,
A murmur of voices, a reek of smoke,
To tell us the trade of the Khyber woke.

The lid of the flesh-pot chattered high,
The knives were...Read more of this...

by Kipling, Rudyard
...the longer purse might hold the longer life.

There was a hound of Hindustan had struck a Euzufzai,
Wherefore they spat upon his face and led him out to die.
It chanced the King went forth that hour when throat was bared to knife;
The Kaffir grovelled under-hoof and clamoured for his life.

Then said the King: "Have hope, O friend! Yea, Death disgraced is hard;
Much honour shall be thine"; and called the Captain of the Guard,
Yar Khan, a bastard of the Blood, so ...Read more of this...

by Johnson, James Weldon
...e stopped and looked and saw
That the earth was hot and barren.
So God stepped over to the edge of the world
And he spat out the seven seas--
He batted his eyes, and the lightnings flashed--
He clapped his hands, and the thunders rolled--
And the waters above the earth came down,
The cooling waters came down.

Then the green grass sprouted,
And the little red flowers blossomed,
The pine tree pointed his finger to the sky,
And the oak spread out his arms,
The lakes cud...Read more of this...

by Masefield, John
...g hag 
Mumbles a crust with toothy jag, 
Or gets the river's help to end 
The life too wrecked for man to mend. 
We spat and smoked and took our swipe 
Till Silas up and tap his pipe, 
And begged us all to pay attention 
Because he'd several things to mention. 
We'd seen the fight (Hear, hear. That's you); 
But still one task remained to do. 
That task was his, he didn't shun it, 
To give the purse to him as won it. 
With this remark, from start to out 
He...Read more of this...

by Lanier, Sidney
...e, `Time hath bound
Thy body with the fibre of his hours.'
Then rose a multitude of mocking sounds,
And some mouths spat at me and cried `thou fool',
And some, `thou liest', and some, `he dreams': and then
Some hands uplifted certain bowls they bore
To lips that writhed but drank with eagerness.
And some played curious viols, shaped like hearts
And stringed with loves, to light and ribald tunes,
And other hands slit throats with knives,
And others patted all the paint...Read more of this...

by Tennyson, Alfred Lord of those white slips 
Handed her cup and piped, the pretty one, 
"Drink, drink, Sir Fool," and thereupon I drank, 
Spat--pish--the cup was gold, the draught was mud.' 

And Tristram, `Was it muddier than thy gibes? 
Is all the laughter gone dead out of thee?-- 
Not marking how the knighthood mock thee, fool-- 
"Fear God: honour the King--his one true knight-- 
Sole follower of the vows"--for here be they 
Who knew thee swine enow before I came, 
Smuttier than blasted...Read more of this...

by Gregory, Rg

the brother stood across the fallen man
in total icy disdain
you academic lily-livered piss of a gnat
he hissed - and spat
into the piebald twitching face
drew back a pace
when wham - a seething body like a flung cat
lifted upwards into space

the younger brother was butted in the belly
(who staggered back hit head and made a dying fall
leaving a small red zigzag down the wall)
then this sizzling flesh-ball
fell on fluttering nelly
tore at her skirt
ripped other clothes apa...Read more of this...

by Kipling, Rudyard
...jury-coat to keep his honour warm."
The halliards twanged against the tops, the bunting bellied broad,
The skipper spat in the empty hold and mourned for a wasted cord.
Masthead -- masthead, the signal sped by the line o' the British craft;
The skipper called to his Lascar crew, and put her about and laughed: --
"It's mainsail haul, my bully boys all -- we'll out to the seas again --
Ere they set us to paint their pirate saint, or scrub at his grapnel-chain.
It's...Read more of this...

by Walcott, Derek
...t, "Sir, is Shabine!
They say I'se your grandson. You remember Grandma,
your blck cook, at all?" The ***** hawk and spat.
A spit like that worth any number of words.
But that's all them bastards have left us: words.

I no longer believed in the revolution.
I was losing faith in the love of my woman.
I had seen that moment Aleksandr Blok
crystallize in The Twelve. Was between
the Police Marine Branch and Hotel Venezuelana
one Sunday at noon. You...Read more of this...

by Ondaatje, Michael
the size of a leech.
I gave it to her 
brandishing a new Italian penknife.
Look, I said turning,
and blood spat onto her shirt.

My wife has scars like spread raindrops 
on knees and ankles,
she talks of broken greenhouse panes
and yet, apart from imagining red feet,
(a nymph out of Chagall)
I bring little to that scene.
We remember the time around scars,
they freeze irrelevant emotions
and divide us from present friends.
I remember this girl's face,
...Read more of this...

by Yeats, William Butler
...ll inherit my pride,
The pride of people that were
Bound neither to Cause nor to State.
Neither to slaves that were spat on,
Nor to the tyrants that spat,
The people of Burke and of Grattan
That gave, though free to refuse -
pride, like that of the morn,
When the headlong light is loose,
Or that of the fabulous horn,
Or that of the sudden shower
When all streams are dry,
Or that of the hour
When the swan must fix his eye
Upon a fading gleam,
Float out upon a long
Last rea...Read more of this...

Dont forget to view our wonderful member Spat poems.

Book: Shattered Sighs