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Famous Spain Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Spain poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous spain poems. These examples illustrate what a famous spain poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

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by Walcott, Derek>

Again brutish necessity wipes its hands
Upon the napkin of a dirty cause, again
A waste of our compassion, as with Spain,
The gorilla wrestles with the superman.
I who am poisoned with the blood of both,
Where shall I turn, divided to the vein?
I who have cursed
The drunken officer of British rule, how choose
Between this Africa and the English tongue I love?
Betray them both, or give back what they give?
How can I face such slaughter and be cool?
How can I turn from...Read more of this...

by Brackenridge, Hugh Henry
...hern realms deserve our song, 
Discover'd by Britannia for her sons; 
Undeluged with seas of Indian blood, 
Which cruel Spain on southern regions spilt; 
To gain by terrors what the gen'rous breast 
Wins by fair treaty, conquers without blood. 

High in renown th' intreprid hero stands, 
From Europes shores advent'ring first to try 
New seas, new oceans, unexplor'd by man. 
Fam'd Cabot too may claim our noblest song, 
Who from th' Atlantic surge descry...Read more of this...

by Browning, Robert
...nd from North to South, 
Scouts fur in Russia: what's its use in France? 
In France spurns flannel: where's its need in Spain? 
In Spain drops cloth, too cumbrous for Algiers! 
Linen goes next, and last the skin itself, 
A superfluity at Timbuctoo. 
When, through his journey, was the fool at ease? 
I'm at ease now, friend; worldly in this world, 
I take and like its way of life; I think 
My brothers, who administer the means, 
Live better for my comfort--that's good too; ...Read more of this...

by Whittier, John Greenleaf
...only left 
Of vain desires and hopes that failed? 

Did I not watch from them the light 
Of sunset on my towers in Spain, 
And see, far off, uploom in sight 
The Fortunate Isles I might not gain? 

Did sudden lift of fog reveal 
Arcadia's vales of song and spring, 
And did I pass, with grazing keel, 
The rocks whereon the sirens sing? 

Have I not drifted hard upon 
The unmapped regions lost to man, 
The cloud-pitched tents of Prester John, 
The palace domes ...Read more of this...

by Marvell, Andrew
Hyde's flippant style there pleasantly curvets, 
Still his sharp wit on states and princes whets 
(So Spain could not escape his laughter's spleen: 
None but himsef must choose the King a Queen), 
But when he came the odious clause to pen 
That summons up the Parliament again, 
His writing master many a time he banned 
And wished himself the gout to seize his hand. 
Never old lecher more repugnance felt, 
Consenting, for his rupture, to be gelt; 
But sti...Read more of this...

by Bukowski, Charles
...ted holidays,
newspapers, museums,
marriage, movies,
spiders, garbagemen,
english accents,spain,
france,italy,walnuts and
the color 
algebra angred me,
opera sickened me,
charlie chaplin was a
and flowers were for

peace an happiness to me
were signs of
tenants of the weak

but as I went on with
my alley fights,
my suicidal years,
my passage through
any number of 
women-it gradually
b...Read more of this...

by Whitman, Walt
 destin’d, on equal terms with me! 
You Norwegian! Swede! Dane! Icelander! you Prussian!
You Spaniard of Spain! you Portuguese! 
You Frenchwoman and Frenchman of France! 
You Belge! you liberty-lover of the Netherlands! 
You sturdy Austrian! you Lombard! Hun! Bohemian! farmer of Styria! 
You neighbor of the Danube!
You working-man of the Rhine, the Elbe, or the Weser! you working-woman too! 
You Sardinian! you Bavarian! Swabian! Saxon! Wallachian! Bulgarian! 
Y...Read more of this...

by Whitman, Walt
...tchman and Welshman voyage home, and the native of
 Mediterranean voyages home, 
To every port of England, France, Spain, enter well-fill’d ships, 
The Swiss foots it toward his hills—the Prussian goes his way, the Hungarian his way,
 Pole his way,
The Swede returns, and the Dane and Norwegian return. 

The homeward bound, and the outward bound, 
The beautiful lost swimmer, the ennuyé, the onanist, the female that loves
T...Read more of this...

by Lowell, Amy>
Jewelled swords worn at kings' levees
Were suspended next midshipmen's dirks, and these
Elbowed stilettos come from Spain,
Chased with some splendid Hidalgo's name.
There were Samurai swords from old Japan,
And scimitars from Hindoostan,
While the blade of a Turkish yataghan
Made a waving streak of vitreous white
Upon the wall, in the firelight.
Foils with buttons broken or lost
Lay heaped on a chair, among them tossed
The boarding-pike of a privateer.
Against...Read more of this...

by Wilde, Oscar
...e witch,
And all those tales imperishably stored
In little Grecian urns, freightage more rich
Than any gaudy galleon of Spain
Bare from the Indies ever! these at least bring back again,

For well I know they are not dead at all,
The ancient Gods of Grecian poesy:
They are asleep, and when they hear thee call
Will wake and think 't is very Thessaly,
This Thames the Daulian waters, this cool glade
The yellow-irised mead where once young Itys laughed and played.

If it was t...Read more of this...

by Stevens, Wallace
...e lutanist of fleas, the knave, the thane, 
23 The ribboned stick, the bellowing breeches, cloak 
24 Of China, cap of Spain, imperative haw 
25 Of hum, inquisitorial botanist, 
26 And general lexicographer of mute 
27 And maidenly greenhorns, now beheld himself, 
28 A skinny sailor peering in the sea-glass. 
29 What word split up in clickering syllables 
30 And storming under multitudinous tones 
31 Was name for this short-shanks in all that brunt? 
32 Crispin w...Read more of this...

by Swinburne, Algernon Charles
...looks to see
New names and old and thee
Build up our one Republic state by state,
England with France, and France with Spain,
And Spain with sovereign Italy strike hands and reign.

O known and unknown fountain-heads that fill
Our dear life-springs of England! O bright race
Of streams and waters that bear witness still
To the earth her sons were made of! O fair face
Of England, watched of eyes death cannot kill,
How should the soul that lit you for a space
Fall through...Read more of this...

by Chaucer, Geoffrey
He knew well all the havens, as they were,
From Scotland to the Cape of Finisterre,
And every creek in Bretagne and in Spain:
His barge y-cleped was the Magdelain.

With us there was a DOCTOR OF PHYSIC;
In all this worlde was there none him like
To speak of physic, and of surgery:
For he was grounded in astronomy.
He kept his patient a full great deal
In houres by his magic natural.
Well could he fortune* the ascendent *make fortunate
Of his images for his patien...Read more of this...

by Blake, William
...of Prophecy shiver along by the lakes and the rivers
and mutter across the ocean! France rend down thy dungeon; 
Golden Spain burst the barriers of old Rome;
Cast thy keys O Rome into the deep down falling, even to
eternity down falling, 
And weep! 
In her trembling hands she took the new, born terror howling;
On those infinite mountains of light now barr'd out by the
atlantic sea, the new born fire stood before the starry king! 
Flag'd with grey brow'd snows and thunderous v...Read more of this...

by Tennyson, Alfred Lord
I should count myself the coward if I left them, my Lord Howard, 
To these Inquisition dogs and the devildoms of Spain.' 

So Lord Howard passed away with five ships of war that day, 
Till he melted like a cloud in the silent summer heaven; 
But Sir Richard bore in hand all his sick men from the land 
Very carefully and slow, 
Men of Bideford in Devon, 
And we laid them on the ballast down below; 
For we brought them all aboard, 
And they blest him in their pain, t...Read more of this...

by Walcott, Derek and my family.
I was so broke all I needed was shades and a cup
or four shades and four cups in four-cup Port of Spain;
all the silver I had was the coins on the sea.

You saw them ministers in The Express,
guardians of the poor - one hand at their back,
and one set o'police only guarding their house,
and the Scotch pouring in through the back door.
As for that minister-monster who smuggled the booze,
that half-Syrian saurian, I got so vex to see
that face thic...Read more of this...

by Petrarch, Francesco
...ay comprehend the slainDid on Death's triumph wait, from India,From Spain, and from Morocco, from Cathay,And all the skirts of th' earth they gather'd were;Who had most happy lived, attended there:Popes, Emperors, nor Kings, no ensigns woreOf their past height, but naked show'd and poor.Where be t...Read more of this...

by Petrarch, Francesco
...nobler line in two degreesReduced Numidia to reluctant peace.Crete, Spain, and Macedonia's conquer'd lordAdorn'd their triumphs and their treasures stored.Vespasian, with his son, I next survey'd,An angel soul in angel form array'd;Nor less his brother seem'd in outward grace,But hell within belie...Read more of this...

by Eliot, T S (Thomas Stearns)
...i: the
279. V. Froude, Elizabeth, Vol. I, ch. iv,
letter of De Quadra
to Philip of Spain:
"In the afternoon we were in a barge, watching the games on the river.
(The queen) was alone with Lord Robert and myself on the poop,
when they began to talk nonsense, and went so far that Lord Robert
at last said, as I was on the spot there was no reason why they
should not be married if the queen pleased."
293. Cf. Purgatorio, v....Read more of this...

by Miller, Alice Duer
Germany, a kindly, much ill-treated nation—
Russia was working out her own salvation
Within her borders. As for Spain, ah, Spain
Would buy from England when peace came again!
I listened and believed— believed through sheer
Terror. I could not look whither my fear
Pointed— that agony that I had known.
I closed my eyes, and was not alone.

Later than many, earlier than some,
I knew the die was cast— that war must come;
That war must come. Night after ni...Read more of this...

Dont forget to view our wonderful member Spain poems.

Book: Shattered Sighs