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Famous Smoot Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Smoot poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous smoot poems. These examples illustrate what a famous smoot poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

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by Riley, James Whitcomb
...'em -- all ist roast' an' hot! --
An' it's so, too! -- 'cause a corn-crib got
Afire one time an' all burn' down
On "The Smoot Farm," 'bout four mile from town --
On "The Smoot Farm"! Yes -- an' the hired han'
'At worked there nen 'uz The Raggedy Man! --
 Ain't he the beatin'est Raggedy Man?
 Raggedy! Raggedy! Raggedy Man!

The Raggedy Man's so good an' kind
He'll be our "horsey," an' "haw" an' mind
Ever'thing 'at you make him do --
An' won't run off -- 'less you want him to!...Read more of this...

by Chaucer, Geoffrey
...e, or of with-oute: 
And up-on cas bifel, that thorugh a route
His eye perced, and so depe it wente,
Til on Criseyde it smoot, and ther it stente.

And sodeynly he wax ther-with astoned,
And gan hire bet biholde in thrifty wyse: 
'O mercy, god!' thoughte he, 'wher hastow woned,
That art so fair and goodly to devyse?'
Ther-with his herte gan to sprede and ryse,
And softe sighed, lest men mighte him here,
And caughte a-yein his firste pleyinge chere. 

She nas nat with ...Read more of this...

by Chaucer, Geoffrey
...ot bi-wryen;
And wel the hotter been the gledes rede,
That men hem wryen with asshen pale and dede."

'With that he smoot his heed adoun anoon, 
And gan to motre, I noot what, trewely.
And I with that gan stille awey to goon,
And leet ther-of as no-thing wist hadde I,
And come ayein anoon and stood him by,
And seyde, "A-wake, ye slepen al to longe; 
It semeth nat that love dooth yow longe,

'"That slepen so that no man may yow wake.
Who sey ever or this so dul a m...Read more of this...

Dont forget to view our wonderful member Smoot poems.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things