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Famous Slaughters Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Slaughters poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous slaughters poems. These examples illustrate what a famous slaughters poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

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by Robinson, Edwin Arlington
Are not my own, 
But his—howbeit fame will yet atone 
For all defect, and sheave the mystery:
The follies and the slaughters I have done 
Are mine alone, 
And so far History. 
So be the tale again retold 
And leaf by clinging leaf unrolled
Where I have written in the dawn, 
With ink that fades anon, 
Like Cæsar’s, and the way be as of old. 

Ho, is it you? I thought you were a ghost. 
Is it time for you to poison me again?
Well, here’s our friend the rain,— ...Read more of this...

by Byron, George (Lord)
...We sat down and wept by the waters 
Of Babel, and thought of the day 
When our foe, in the hue of his slaughters, 
Made Salem's high places his prey; 
And ye, oh her desolate daughters! 
Were scattered all weeping away. 

While sadly we gazed on the river 
Which rolled on in freedom below, 
They demanded the song; but, oh never 
That triumph the stranger shall know! 
May this right hand be withered for ever, 
Ere it string our high harp for the foe! 

On...Read more of this...

by Benet, Stephen Vincent
...t waters, beautifully austere; 
Roast, with a thunder of drums to stun the ear, 
A screaming fife, a voice from ancient slaughters! 

Over the salad let the woodwinds moan; 
Then the green silence of many watercresses; 
Dessert, a balalaika, strummed alone; 
Coffee, a slow, low singing no passion stresses; 
Such are my thoughts as -- clang! crash! bang! -- I brood 
And gorge the sticky mess these fools call food!...Read more of this...

by Kipling, Rudyard
...ce breaks, and the birch-buds quicken,
Yearly you turn from our side, and sicken--

Sicken again for the shouts and the slaughters.
You steal away to the lapping waters,
And look at your ship in her winter-quarters.

You forget our mirth, and talk at the tables,
The kine in the shed and the horse in the stables--
To pitch her sides and go over her cables.

Then you drive out where the storm-clouds swallow,
And the sound of your oar-blades, falling hollow,
As all w...Read more of this...

by Schiller, Friedrich von
...led--beneath that zone of rays,
Fled to night a thousand Mays;
Thrones a thousand--rising--sinking,
Earth from thousand slaughters drinking
Blood profusely poured as water;--
Of the sceptre--of the slaughter--
Wouldst thou know what trace remaineth?
Seek them where the dark king reigneth!

Scarce thine eye can ope and close
Ere life's dying sunset glows;
Sinking sudden from its pride
Into death--the Lethe tide.
Ask'st thou whence thy beauties rise?
Boastest thou those rad...Read more of this...

by Swinburne, Algernon Charles
...irst of my virgin-vested daughters,
Fairest and foremost thou;
And thy breast was white, though thy hands were red with slaughters,
Thy breast, a harlot's now.
O foolish virgin and fair among the fallen,
A ruin where satyrs dance,
A garden wasted for beasts to crawl and brawl in,
What hast thou done with France?
Where is she who bared her bosom but to thunder,
Her brow to storm and flame,
And before her face was the red sea cloven in sunder
And all its waves made tame?
An...Read more of this...

by Hardy, Thomas
...rks from their strain. 

"My leopardine beauties are rarer, 
 My tusky ones vanish, 
My children have aped mine own slaughters 
 To quicken my wane. 

"Let me grow, then, but mildews and mandrakes, 
 And slimy distortions, 
Let nevermore things good and lovely 
 To me appertain; 

"For Reason is rank in my temples, 
 And Vision unruly, 
And chivalrous laud of my cunning 
 Is heard not again!"...Read more of this...

by Field, Eugene
...the Hikes, the Williamsons, Murrays, and

The Beynroths, the Sherleys, the Hokes, the Haldermans, Harneys, and
All, famed in Kentucky of old for prowess prodigious at farming,
Now surged from their prosperous homes to join in that hunt for the
To ascertain where he was at, to help out the chorus for Peter.

Still on those prosperous farms where heirs and assigns of the people
Specified hereinabove and proved by the records of probate--
Still ...Read more of this...

by Hardy, Thomas they speak who in this month's moon gird
At England's very loins, thereunto spurred
By gangs whose glory threats and slaughters are. 

Then seemed a Heart crying: "Whosoever they be
At root and bottom of this, who flung this flame
Between kin folk kin tongued even as are we,
Sinister, ugly, lurid, be their fame;
May their familiars grow to shun their name,
And their brood perish everlastingly."...Read more of this...

by Browning, Robert
I like him, but he loves me.
It all grew out of the books I write;
They find such favour in his sight
That he slaughters you with savage looks
Because you don't admire my books.
He does himself though,---and if some vein
Were to snap to-night in this heavy brain,
To-morrow month, if I lived to try,
Round should I just turn quietly,
Or out of the bedclothes stretch my hand
Till I found him, come from his foreign land
To be my nurse in this poor place,
And make my...Read more of this...

Dont forget to view our wonderful member Slaughters poems.

Book: Shattered Sighs