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Famous Slattern Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Slattern poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous slattern poems. These examples illustrate what a famous slattern poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

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...quence to cant and wit to whimsy;
Trims language till it fits his clients, pattern
And style's a glossy tart or limping slattern.

He studies our defences, finds the cracks
And where the wall is weak or worn, attacks.
lie finds the fear that's deep, the wound that's tender,
And mastered, outmanouevered, we surrender.
We who have tried to choose accept his choice
And tired succumb to his untiring voice.
The dripping tap makes even granite soften
We trust the br...Read more of this...
by Tessimond, A S J

Your performing stars to fall on
Headlong through your paper sky;
Nevermore shall I be cursed
By a flushed and amorous slattern,
With her dusty laces' pattern
Trailing, as she straggles by....Read more of this...
by Wylie, Elinor her net,
And eats him out, and hangs him up to dry.
That's Nature, the kind mother of us all.
And then your slattern housemaid swings her broom,
And where's your spider? And that's Nature, also.
It's Nature, and it's Nothing. It's all Nothing.
It's all a world where bugs and emperors
Go singularly back to the same dust,
Each in his time; and the old, ordered stars
That sang together, Ben, will sing the same
Old stave to-morrow."

When he talks like...Read more of this...
by Robinson, Edwin Arlington
...alks of corn.
Here was I, a carpenter, mired in a bog of life
Into which I walked, thinking it was a meadow,
With a slattern for a wife, and poor Minerva, my daughter,
Whom you tormented and drove to death.
So I crept, crept, like a snail through the days
Of my life.
No more you hear my footsteps in the morning,
Resounding on the hollow sidewalk,
Going to the grocery store for a little corn meal
And a nickel's worth of bacon....Read more of this...
by Masters, Edgar Lee
..."ROWSES, Rowses! Penny a bunch!" they tell you-- 
Slattern girls in Trafalgar, eager to sell you. 
Roses, roses, red in the Kensington sun, 
Holland Road, High Street, Bayswater, see you and smell you-- 
Roses of London town, red till the summer is done. 

Roses, roses, locust and lilac, perfuming 
West End, East End, wondrously budding and blooming 
Out of the black earth, rubbed in a million hand...Read more of this...
by Cather, Willa

...cups drinks to the fair.
Bemused by gallantry, we hear
our mediocrities over-praised,
indolence read as abnegation,
slattern thought styled intuition,
every lapse forgiven, our crime
only to cast too bold a shadow
or smash the mold straight off.
For that, solitary confinement,
tear gas, attrition shelling.
Few applicants for that honor.


she's long about her coming, who must be
more merciless to herself than history.
Her mind full to the wind, ...Read more of this...
by Rich, Adrienne
...(Being a Chant of the American Soap-Box and the Russian Revolution.)

O market square, O slattern place,
Is glory in your slack disgrace?
Plump quack doctors sell their pills,
Gentle grafters sell brass watches,
Silly anarchists yell their ills.
Shall we be as weird as these?
In the breezes nod and wheeze?

Heaven's mass is sung, 
Tomorrow's mass is sung 
In a spirit tongue 
By wind and dust and birds, 
The high mass of liberty, 
While wave ...Read more of this...
by Lindsay, Vachel

Dont forget to view our wonderful member Slattern poems.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things