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Famous Slackening Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Slackening poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous slackening poems. These examples illustrate what a famous slackening poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

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by Morris, William
...last rang out
And forth they sprang, and she must play her part;
Then flew her white feet, knowing not a doubt,
Though, slackening once, she turn'd her head about,
But then she cried aloud and faster fled
Than e'er before, and all men deemed him dead.

But with no sound he raised aloft his hand,
And thence what seemed a ray of light there flew
And past the maid rolled on along the sand;
Then trembling she her feet together drew
And in her heart a strong desire there grew ...Read more of this...

by Schiller, Friedrich von the dying ever!

Dumb and deaf 'tis in that narrow place,
Deep the slumbers of the buried one!
Brother! Ah, in ever-slackening race
All thy hopes their circuit cease to run!
Sunbeams oft thy native hill still lave,
But their glow thou never more canst feel;
O'er its flowers the zephyr's pinions wave,
O'er thine ear its murmur ne'er can steal;
Love will never tinge thine eye with gold,
Never wilt thou embrace thy blooming bride,
Not e'en though our tears in torrents rolled...Read more of this...

by Larkin, Philip
...hers, but across most it sweeps
As all they might have done had they been loved.
That nothing cures. An immense slackening ache,
As when, thawing, the rigid landscape weeps,
Spreads slowly through them - that, and the voice above
Saying Dear child, and all time has disproved....Read more of this...

by Morris, William
...the court did ride
Amidmost of the summertide
To search the dwellings of the deer
Until the heat of noon was near;
Then slackening speed awhile they went
Adown a ragged thorn-bushed bent
At whose feet grew a tangled wood
Of oak and holly nowise good:
But therethrough with some pain indeed
And rending of the ladies' weed
They won at last, and after found
A space of green-sward grown around
By oak and holly set full close;
And in the midst of it arose
Two goodly sycamores that ...Read more of this...

by Swinburne, Algernon Charles more glorious, should you be.XXXIV

As fire to frost, as ease to toil, as dew
To flowerless fields, as sleep to slackening pain,
As hope to souls long weaned from hope again
Returning, or as blood revived anew
To dry-drawn limbs and every pulseless vein,
Even so toward us should no man be but you.XXXV

One rose before the sunrise was, and one
Before the sunset, lovelier than the sun.
And now the heaven is dark and bright and loud
With wind and starry drift an...Read more of this...

by Robinson, Edwin Arlington
...and remembered for the pictures.

And when the best friend of your life goes down, 
When first you know in him the slackening 
That comes, and coming always tells the end,— 
Now in a common word that would have passed 
Uncaught from any other lips than his,
Now in some trivial act of every day, 
Done as he might have done it all along 
But for a twinging little difference 
That nips you like a squirrel’s teeth—oh, yes, 
Then you will understand it well enough.
But of...Read more of this...

by Petrarch, Francesco
...iving sun she brokeUpon my sight;—what if these charms be fled?—The slackening of the bow heals not the wound. Wrottesley....Read more of this...

by Byron, George (Lord)
...lem quail; 
Or where the battery, guarded well, 
Remains as yet impregnable, 
Alighting cheerly to inspire 
The soldier slackening in his fire; 
The first and freshest of the host 
Which Stamboul's Sultan there can boast 
To guide the follower o'er the field, 
To point the tube, the lance to wield, 
Or whirl around the bickering blade; — 
Was Alp, the Adrian renegade! 


From Venice — once a race of worth 
His gentle sires — he drew his birth; 
But late an exile from...Read more of this...

Dont forget to view our wonderful member Slackening poems.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things